penguinz0 dumb criminals compilation – part 2

penguinz0 dumb criminals compilation - part 2
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These are the wierdest people of All time

00:00 most interesting criminal ever
12:24 shoplifting gets wild
20:16 Mr. Incredible committed a crime
26:12 man lives in attic to spy on family
35:08 the worst craigslist criminals
44:05 the streamer who faked a disability
53:32 man crashes truck through court to steal $10


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About the Author: critikal compilations


  1. The guy who lied about needing a wheelchair sucks but there’s many people who use wheelchairs that are able to walk a short distance, so him standing up shouldn’t have instantly been seen as him faking unless he claimed he couldn’t walk at all.

  2. Hey brother I'm a fellow YouTuber and have two YouTube channels and I definitely honor everything you say when it comes 2 ur straight up opinion…I really want to meet you Sir keep up the amazing work brother 💯 facts

  3. About 10 years ago, my sister found out a guy who was an escaped convict, was living in the crawlspace under her house for about six weeks and she didn’t know he was there. He was getting water from her hose and had tapped into her electricity and had a hot plate and a coffeemaker. She had to go to court and testify…… Pretty creepy!!!

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