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  1. Black Friday in Edmonton Alberta . I lived in the beginning of castledowns. My brother got caught in the rat hole and barely made it out. They tore the tunnel down later. It took me 30mins to get my mother into the basement, she was terrified of them. I then tried to go across the street to my brothers gf, and had to lay on the ground. It was so noisy, then silence for maybe 8 seconds, then thundering and noise again. I watched a bus shelter, a shed and a lawn chairs fly overhead. After the deafening noise stopped, I ran to her house to tell her my brother was alive. There was stuff laying everywhere. It didn't touch down completely, so idk if anyone got hurt by the actual tornado. But I'm guessing people got hurt by flying debris.

  2. A couple of years ago there was a tornado that hit the apartment here's the issue I live on the top floor when the roof was torn off the floor collapsed and my mom's fiance was fine and I was fine too but my mom was bleeding after we saw the tornado going away good news no one lived downstairs ever since we have moved into a 2 story house that was part of a company and to this day I have wanted to become a storm chaser to find out why that one was so violent because the worst damage happened to us and it was rated EF3

  3. I survived Sandy, Dean, Irene, and Gustav. But my siblings survived Hurricane Gilbert in Jamaica. They lived in a concrete house with a zinc roof. They prayed until the roof came off. How they are alive I don't know.

  4. I’ve survived an earthquake. It wasn’t that bad. It was just like the ground moving and I pretended I was on a surfboard it wasn’t that severe

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