Wild Animals Play Mario Kart!

Wild Animals Play Mario Kart!
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If you love playing video games and watching animals play, then this video is for you!
From raccoons to deer, these creatures are sure to have you laughing and cheering as they race around the track.

Don’t miss this amazing video of wild animals playing Super Mario Kart like pros! It’s sure to be a hit with any video gamer or animal lover out there! Who will come out on top? Watch and find out!

These cute creatures prove that anyone can be a racing champ – even a raccoon!

Co-edited by Javor Stojnic on November 25th 2022.


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About the Author: Brendan J. Fox


  1. How do you do it? Get the Birds come to your hand and all the animals to come so close to you? Amazing!! I think you must be a spiritual person. I really appreciate your message of love towards animals, birds and Nature!! Very important message. I hope more folks decide to feed them all like you and I do. Thanks! Susan

  2. Hi Brendan! Hope you read this!!********. In one of your videos in the past, you were giving a squirrel ivermectin for its mange. I'm trying to do the same for one of my squirrels. I put a teeny bit on a walnut half and she takes it , but always buries it!! I even put a little peanut butter on it, just to mask the taste! Any suggestions!!

  3. Chickadee was a question that came up in a quiz at the weekly vegan social meeting I go to. It asked what name do we call the bird Americans call the chickadee. Sadly my team didn't get it right even though one of our members is American and has been in the UK for 15 years minimum 😂
    For those curious it is "tit" the bird in the video is what we know as a great tit but there are blue, coal, and long tail that I can think of at the moment but probably more

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