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Haufhören mit dem quälen der Tiere..
Böse geldgeile Menschen.
Got the diaper ready. Lyly knows how to use the toilet. She probably did that on purpose. She was left along 😢
You really do have a beautiful relationship with her…I just love seeing this relationship yall have
🤩soo lovely,Lily!
Ma Lyly mon amour chéri ma princesse.Tu est ma préférée ma Lyly je t'aime tellement fort. J'aimerais tellement être à la place de ta maman avoir ma princesse Lyly avec moi .Gros bisous ma Lilouche ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒🐒
I love you Lyly you are such a sweet girl monkey and so very smart..mommy is so good to Lyly..they have such a special bond..thank you mommy for being the mother that Lyly deserves to have…I prtay that Lyly lives with you tilol the day she dies..you both make each other so happy..the love you have for each other puts a big smile on my face..GodBless you Lyly and GodBless you mommy..thank you for being the good mommy you are to sweet adorable smart girl monkey Lyly…
Ли ли милашка, умничка, с хорошим характером, как и мама ❤
Esta. Ayor para pañales
Love to see lily and mom in scooter❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
That’s a sin so let her sit there in a dirty diaper until the woman gets home instead of putting the phucking camera down and changing her so she didn’t have to sit in a nasty diaper till then you just film
Comme lyly et vraiment adorable intelligent jolie ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Super inteligente
Lyly pinteeeerrr
А Лилька одна самая лучшая макашка❤
Ly ly is like a little child she is so sweet ❤❤❤❤
Лили лапуся , за мамочкой скучает , ждёт , какая у них любовь 😊❤
I like lyly so much❤
So cute
Lily you're so clever and smart ❤❤❤❤❤
Ну разве это обезьянка??? Это маленький человечек. Очень умненький. Ну какая же Лулу прелесть. ❤
Дождалась наконец мамочку, Лилуша обожаю тебя, маму Ким тоже, полнейшая идилия❤❤❤❤❤
Lili-bella, no se puede ser más encantadora, en el amplio sentido de la palabra , pues, por lo menos a mi, me has hechizado. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😂❤
Lyly ist eine süsse ,Maus , so ein schlaues Mädchen 😊❤
Lyly ngoan ghê ta❤❤❤❤.biết phụ giúp mẹ
Лили, такая умничка😊❤❤❤
LyLy k intelijentete amo😮
I enjoy always watching this vlog beacause of monkey lyly so smart and loving ! Mom always love her and take care so that they cant compiscate the government!❤😂🎉
Lyly you are so sweet the way you open and close the gate for Mom and how you like to hop on the motorbike and ride into the garage with Mom I wish I had someone sweet like you to greet me when I come home 😊❤❤
Watching Lyly and family, makes me smile everytime I see you!! It's Love, kindness, Commination.
Lyly sua fofinha linda, maravilhosa, inteligente 😊amo essa macaquinha ❤🐒❤💋💋✌🇧🇷
Лулушенька точно знает свои дела, пвто лежди😅😅😅😅