WATCH PEOPLE DIE INSIDE | Ultimate Compilation

WATCH PEOPLE DIE INSIDE |  Ultimate Compilation
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WATCH PEOPLE DIE INSIDE | Ultimate Compilation


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About the Author: Enigma


  1. Split or steal is such a dumb game. There is no game scenario in which taking the split balls ISN'T the better option. If opponent splits, you would want to steal and if opponent steals, it doesn't really matter anyways. A perfectly played game of split or steal always results in 2 steals. Every. Single. Time.

  2. The funniest moment in Deal Or No Deal Matty's game was when he took out the last red (£35,000) – Noel just nonchalantly said "That's it, it's over", and what followed was a full-on emotional breakdown from Matty and his wife. Matty actually asked Noel if he could take a break!! 😂

  3. fox news that guy prolly is fired but he was just saying the truth lmfao. TODAY nothing is more American than living here and not being from America haha

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