Dodo Fans Travel To Morocco To Adopt Cats From Their Favorite Rescuer | The Dodo

Dodo Fans Travel To Morocco To Adopt Cats From Their Favorite Rescuer | The Dodo
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When you become obsessed with a Moroccan cat rescue on social media…. you travel to Morocco to adopt a cat! 😍

Kendra told us how her trip to adopt one cat ended up spiraling into something bigger… ❤️

Keep up with @theyasshouse and Kendra @rachana_jyoti on Instagram


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About the Author: The Dodo


  1. When I traveled to Morocco there was tons and tons of street cats who looked very ill or malnourished they all looked like they were young too I never saw any older cats which is really sad I also found a kitten and its eyes weren’t even opened yet, I was a kid at the time and felt helpless but if I ever could go back I would’ve saved that kitten atleast. I feel so sad I didn’t do anything back then

  2. I am sitting here reading some of these comments, and the ones that really stand out for me, are the ones who seemed too be gobsmacked that this lady fell in love with a cat in Morocco, and probably spent alot of money going too get the cat. Therefore, you all are questioning her because she didn't adopt a cat here in the States. The nerve of her spending her money the way that she wants, (Yep, I am being sarcastic) and I am so sure she didn't make a (Go Fund Me) or passed around a collection plate asking any of you for money. How could she be soooo heartless too fall in love with a cat so many miles away? (Lol, and yes i am being very sarcastic) because, seriously she can do whatever she wants! 😂😂😅

  3. Q: why travel to Morocco for these 4 cat’s rescue? Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you rescued them. But here in the US, cats are often in steel cage banks (where they’re withdrawn and even defensive/ won’t show well) vs catteries, and have extremely high euthanasia rates & #’s, and short holding times. Often black cats are only given the minimum 3day holding period. I just wonder what’s happening in Morocco that taking cats from a lovely cattery trumped getting some desperate USA cats out of shelter and into homes. If anyone can enlighten me to perhaps some cat-stigma happening in Morocco, I absolutely want to know. Thx

  4. He's a beautiful cat, and lucky to have you adopt him. That said, the last thing we need in the US is more cats brought from abroad. There are so many homeless animals here already, and more being born every day.

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