These puppies came to us for a photo shoot. And of course, the adult husky Olive was interested in who was squeaking and fumbling there. The cute dog loves to play with little dogs. and if they are puppies, then there is no limit to her delight! An adult husky started having fun playing with fluffy babies. Huskies and puppies were tumbling merrily in the dog’s crib. It was such a sweet sight. My dog really liked these adorable puppies!
May this video give you lots of smiles and good cheer. We love you!
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#husky #dog #puppy
Olive likes to play with the puppies. And then they all slept soundly.
It's a delight to watch my Olive play with all the puppies.She ended up exhausted.My girl has had great patience.I love her very much. A truckload of kisses for everyone.❤
Haha Lovely fantastic PA ❤❤❤
Always the smile with ur nice videos thank u so much!😊😊😊
I WANT ONE! They're so cuutteee!
Thanks for the re-runs of the cute puppies and sweet Olive!
Cute video 😊
Qué cositas más bellas!!!
***благодарю за фильм*****животные всегда вызывают радость****улыбку***
Such pretty puppies! ……that includes Olive. Lol They are so fun to watch. 😄🐺🥰
husky olive adorou brincar com os bebes lindo de mais 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯❤❤❤❤❤❤👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👍👍👍👍👍👍❤❤❤
Olive was so good with the puppies, they even looked like they could be hers.
😂 she's so good at playing with them it's unbelievable cute 🥰🐺❤️💯🐾
Olive is so pretty!❤
Wow this good so cute ❤
I always scroll through all of my notifications to see which one I want to watch first. If there is one from you, it's first. Always.
How lovely and adorable all of them are ❤
Most adorable event ever
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤adorable olive❤❤❤❤❤❤elle est très gentille avec les petits c'est tellement attendrissant à regarder.
Merci beaucoup pour le partage ❤❤❤❤
Good job Olive 😍🥰
That was cuteness overload 🥰. Olive was so well-behaved and gentle 😇
Olive est incroyable avec les chiots ! Joueuse et douce à la fois et patiente
Adorables boules de poils et une Olive très joueuse et bienveillante.❤
Mais qui est la maman de ces adorables chiots?
So cute! 🎀🩷
Olive will be a great mom someday! 1 love!!!
Тётя Оливия – самая лучшая няня 😊😊😍😍❤❤
Olive would be a great mom
It's such a joy to see such a cheerful company. The beautiful Olive and the cute puppies won me over and charmed me. I love and hug everyone. ♥️🐶🐾🐾♥️🫂🤗👋
So cute. 🥰😍
Thanks for bringing some joy to my morning!
The pups look like they could've been Olive's. Thanks for sharing this cuteness with us! ❤
This is so cute. Made my day
Bellissima Olive e anche i cuccioli,tutti dolcissimi❤❤❤❤
Оливочка, нежная и прекрасная фея, порхает с щенками❤
Olive os adotou , lindos filhotes,ela seria uma excelente mãe ❤
Олив такая игрунья😊❤
Our Lord Jesus bless you all!! ❤