Space Marine 2 has a really addictive multiplayer PvP mode that me and my friends have been having a blast with! Check out Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 here: https://bit.ly/4dqgJGc Sponsored by Focus Entertainment. Leave a like if you enjoy the video and subscribe for more. Thanks for watching!
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Embody the superhuman skill and brutality of a Space Marine. Unleash deadly abilities and devastating weaponry to obliterate the relentless Tyranid swarms. Defend the Imperium in spectacular third-person action in solo or multiplayer modes.
♫ Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
#spacemarine2 #warhammer #gameplay
▶ Space Marine 2 PVP is Ridiculous Fun…
Simple, fun and addictive… Exactly what a good multiplayer should be! We just need more maps! 😤
Hernandez Frank Martin Sandra Rodriguez Frank
My dream is a warhammer 40k game similar to battlefield. Tons of factions,classes, vehicles etc.🤞
imo the pvp is the weakest part of the game
I keep getting put into games on the losing team where everyone decided to go to another side of the map to die and assault is too fking op pop one jump half my health is gone, ignoring armour as melee does and then one tapping me with a thunder hammer yeah totally balanced and fum
I bought the game played 30 min and im requesting a refund,first time ever i requested a refund for a game,its 💩
I like the Technician Class, the extra damage you get from spotting makes flanking a cake walk.
So good to hear matimi0
i'm kinda afraid that this lack of depth and variety will get old really soon :/
Does it have proximity chat?
Melee ing seems weak in comparison to shooting.
2 tanks look gross for obj play
If they made the pvp like battlefield that would be so chaotic. Seeing a bunch of space marines going at each other would be crazy cool to witness.
if you want to learn the lore in the back ground like a pod cast id highly recommend Luetin09
Jackson Amy Hall Charles Lewis Donna
Space Marine 2 pvp like battlefield or Arma etc.
Rubie Squares
Is this SUPERMAN talking??
Looks really good too
I do wish that the shock grenade to be changed it does so much it’s insane there also the hook grab is janky
Reminds me of Unreal Tournament, but in 3rd person
Needs a hero mode who doesn't want to play as kharn
Ritchie Knolls
they need to give us a free trial on PS 😢
What do you think about adding killing animations to the multiplayer?
I think that’s the only thing that’s missing
Can someone explain to me why I can’t play with more than 3 of my friends online
They need to add Terminators
I feel like assault ans vanguard are the best assault us only one that can take 2v1 bc he can one shot opponents whit hammer
Dude, what a game to be offered the sponsorship by, and thank you for accepting it! For how rarely you do it, we know how good a game has to be to earn it, and they know we're here for the amazing content you produce 🙌 Now, back to the campaign VOD..
Good game! TTK looks awesome.
You kiddin' right ? PvP is garbage at so many levels.
Fun yes but in need of more maps .
Awesome? This clunky-controls-bullshit-mess?
A servant of the corpse god claims the objective
This pvp is awesome we need more maps asap !!!
Can you play as a Nightlord in PVP?
Don’t get me wrong the games itself is amazing! I’ve loved the campaign so far and not being very well versed in the behemoth that is 40k lore I’ve enjoyed learning about how this universe works, the pvp is also amazing! I only have one problem though it’s not cross play? Me and my friends were enjoying the campaign but decided to try the multiplayer when we then got kicked into separate lobby’s? I understand the reasoning but it could be solved with a toggle for it like there is for the campaign and operations? I just think it limits the player pool of pvp and I really hope they add it in future the games only come out so I’m optimistic!
The grapling hook make me miss Lost Planet 2 so so much 😢
I've never been into Warhammer, but looks good, 😊
Q: Are they likely to add greater expansions?
I feel too squishy in pvp. We're wearing 10 tons of armor but we get dropped like it's made of paper mache.
This looks kinda sick.. hot damn!
Multiplayer dies; singleplayer lives on
Bro this is so cool!!
I wish this was true. I get literal bot lobbies, everyone’s ping is 150 to 200 and queue times are around 10 to 20 min. Must be nice to be sponsored by the people who make the game to have you praise the game when the actual truth is it’s absolute garbage and unplayable. At least half the people who bought the game are experiencing all kinds of bugs and issues. People like you and those who are lucky enough to not experience all this crap keep praising this worthless game then the video game industry will just keep releasing broken buggy shit games. The list of bugs is massive like invisible enemies, can’t pick up items, constant crashes, won’t connect to servers and the list goes on and on and on. Hundreds of thousands of players are dealing with this. But don’t worry the devs have let us know about all the future content and new and expanded customization and balance changes coming to the game so everything going to be fine.