The Vet Told This Woman Her Dog May Never Walk Again | The Dodo

The Vet Told This Woman Her Dog May Never Walk Again | The Dodo
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When this woman was told her dog would never walk again, she refused to give up on him ❤️

We talked to @taylorcezanne about why she slept next to him in the shower, and the moment she knew he was gonna be OK!


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About the Author: The Dodo


  1. Aww no
    We had to euthanise our dog because the same thing happened to him. A little more than his legs were paralysed, so he wouldn't have survived either way. I'm so glad this cute dog is living a happy life again. And that the owners didn't have to make such a difficult decision.

  2. C’est merveilleux comme vous l’aimez, les soins que vous lui avez donné. Et maintenant il est guéri ! C’est grâce à vous (et lui aussi bien sûr ! Câlins à votre loulou. Excellente journée !
    🌸 Le meilleur pour vous 2. 🌸

  3. Animals are really resilient and much better at making sure they do what’s right to heal like resting while humans constantly work and clean and do all this stuff that makes it worse because we have to because of our society nowadays.

  4. This is very common it makes playing fetch very dangerous best way to play fetch and give your dog mental stimulation as well as physical exercise is teach your dog to stay and release it when the ball stops moving

  5. I am so happy for you, and him !! ❤ Our little girl jumped to catch a ball and she was down. We diligently watched her and over several weeks she started healing, best blessing ever❤

  6. Sooo glad to hear that he's recovering. We had the same thing with our lab pit mix. We thought the ups person tazed her. The wonderful vet came out at 7pm at night and gave her a shot of steroids in her hips and oral steroids for a week after. It took her 3 months to finally be able to walk up the stairs to our house. For weeks i followed her around the yard because she pooed and would pull herself away from it with her front legs. Then I set her up a tent for the night due to rains. Our house is on stilts, but she would not, poo on the pavers. So we kept her dry and warm for about 4 weeks. Finally she was able to climb the steps 🥲. Best day ever. So know exactly how you feel.👍👋💞

  7. I think you should be thankful to the Vets for the negative judgement😂 which the adorable baby flipped to positive outcome. God is by his side. Live long baby boy❤

  8. I don't know the injury, but might an animal Chiropractor help? I know it helped my pup when her back legs and hips were giving her problems. Just a thought…😊

  9. I also have a dog named Cooper. I can relate completely to your love and dedication to your boy. Imagine if his owner was someone without that determination to help him?!? I'm so happy his recovery has been so successful.❤

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