These are the craziest controversies of All time
00:00 scariest stalker on twitch
12:15 twitch safety council controversy
24:32 youtube did something amazing then ruined it
32:40 worst ban ive ever seen
42:34 they actually doubled down on horrible ban
01:02:08 this youtuber is in danger
01:26:15 minecraft twitter viciously bullied a youtuber
Could not care less what happens to streamers.
I don't appreciate her using my biology as a costume. I'm a woman he is not
Are you sure it's a she.
I've been dealing with a stalker and they have tried breaking in twice and we have a idea on who it is and our neighbor saw the guy looking through our window and got a photo of a guy at a fair and they didn't listen even when they tried to break in and I'm to a point I won't call police anymore because they act like it's not real beacuse by the time they get there the person is gone.
stalking is not drama tbh
4:04 that saxophone case is filled with murder weapons
i know he was being somewhat hyperbolic, but not everyone will understand that, so i wanna make the point that good journalism is still the norm, especially in print journalism. there are tons and tons of really excellent journalists that we never even hear about becuz the don't make themselves the story, and they don't cover meme worthy or emotionally satisfying topics. but make no mistake, no matter where you live the in free world, journalists are the reason you have a free country. but they are not a monolith.
everything we learn about the worlds that we don't inhabit, from war zones to corporate corruption to political corruption, inside north korea and the kremlin, ethnic cleansing and re-education camps, etc etc etc, all comes through excellent journalism. the idea that journalists are bad or dishonest comes largely from people trying to cover their own ass*s after being caught doing something wrong, and if we buy into that, we risk our own freedom.
most journalists are really good and take their responsibility to the truth incredibly seriously. the problem is that there are a lot of people who aren't really journalists who call themselves journalists in order to lend a sense of authority to their irresponsible opinions. there's a reason real journalists go to school for 4, 8 or even 12 years to learn the trade, and it's not to learn how to ask leading questions or engage in harry frkn bosco.
but i do strongly disagree with one thing charlie said. that public reception is how you identify a good journalist. no, that's how you identify a good entertainer. journalists are not entertainers. they are charged with telling us things we don't want to hear. things that aren't necessarily emotionally satisfying and won't make for an entertaining watch or read. news is not meant to make you feel good. it's not even meant to be unbiased. humans can't really do unbiased, no matter how hard we try. good journalism is balanced, not unbiased. we're not meant to take our opinions from journalists, we're meant to take information from them, and form options of our own. their job is to give us complete and accurate information. it's not to hide their own feelings from us. journalists are people. people are flawed.
death threats are illegal in my state, and they are also illegal in texas. the cops could have acted, but chose not to.
some of this has to be political. there's no other realistic explanation that i can see. there is an element of american politics, which is overrepresented both among law enforcement and in texas, that fervently believes that women invent the vast majority of r*pe and stalking incidents because of "feminism" (whatever they think feminism is), and that women bear responsibility for these in many cases, and from what was covered in the first video, and based on what she does for a living, i can't see any other obvious explanation except that a confluence of bad beliefs and bad laws lead to their inaction in this situation.
"My stalker travelled from Estonia, Europe" Thank god you made that clear i thought he might have come from Estonia, Mississipi.
politicians CAN NOT have property that can be rented out. it's a well known way to accept bribes.
My favorite part of tea-bagging another dude, is pointing out how absolutely gay he is, for passing out & letting me do it. lolz . so gay
my third favorite hole of all time.
does anyone know the name of the first guy? cause my favorite comedian is from estonia and moved to austin 😭😭
theres a tragic stalking true crime case at the University of Utah where this student dated a guy that lied about his identity and age and then staked her when she broke up with him, the police did nothing aobut the stalking and he ended up killing her. this needs to change!!!
39:00 bro was definitely trash at videogames and got bullied all the time for it. Some trauma came out here😭😭
1:08:28 he’s… two steps ahead, you say? Sounds familiar
you aren’t my friend charlie ? 🥺😢
First part had me slack-jawed. For anyone dealing with stalkers, the worst thing you can do is refer to them as 'my' stalker. It gives them a sense of purpose and connection to you. Refer to them as 'a' stalker. :3
Unfortunately stalking, harassment, and other threatening behaviors are not taken seriously enough by any authorities or, in many cases, anyone, including the victim. Usually, in the case of victims and those who know the stalker they are not aware of the extent of the issue or they don't understand the dangers of that kind of situation. Obviously, older adults and those in positions of authority, like police and school administrators, should know better and act immediately.
Is she a he? That's the vibe I'm getting. If so, he was clearly a diversity pick. Now using the position to push an agenda.