Dying Mother Cat and Crying Kittens From Busy Road: Against All Odds Rescue Story
In this heartwarming rescue story, we received a call about a cat lying on the side of a busy road in critical condition. Rushing to the scene, we found the cat barely breathing, likely suffering from heat stroke. Although paralyzed, she was alive, and we quickly transported her to the clinic for urgent care. While attending to the mother cat, we discovered her crying kittens hidden in nearby bushes. We rescued each fragile kitten, providing them comfort and warmth.
At the clinic, the mother cat was treated for heat stroke, and the kittens were given vaccinations. Slowly, the mother cat regained strength, and the entire family was brought to safety. Over the next few days, the mother cat began trusting us as she cared for her babies. The story ends with the family settling into their new home, healthy and happy, leaving us with an incredible rescue journey filled with hope and love.
My daily routine:
Help stray cats
Rescue cute kittens
Feed hungry cats
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They said at the beginning she wasn't moving, but she was and still they kept pushing in her chest. She was blinking. I use the treats you put in front of her but I don't give it to my cats in the packet. I use little dishes and place all the cream in the dish and hand the dish over to the cat. Glad all worked out well for the mum and her babies. She didn't seem very maternal. However she got to feel better and then she didn't mind nursing them.
Love how clearly faked and staged this is, you guys drugged the mother and kept her kittens near by so you could “conveniently” find them, literally the same structure as your other videos lmao, you can tell the mother is angry and sad about how she is being used after being “rescued”, hope you sickos get what’s coming to you some day
Elizabeth for the mother
sunshine black beauty and milk shake for the kittens 

جزاكم الله خيرا
Ya ni le muevas a la gata ya está muerta y las crías apestan y están orribles también ya enterrarlas es lo mejor
Si tienes flojera de enterrarla avísame yo voy corriendo porq ya apesta orrible hay las crías también las entierro porq apestan higual y velas ya están deformadas de pudricion
Gracias,por ayudarlos q buen ser humano, Dios lo bendiga

Благодарность за спасение деток и мамачки

Thank you so much good people. This is a miracle. God bless you all. I m wery happy. Thank you.

Děkuji vám všem vřelé díky za vaši práci vracíte opuštěným zvířátkům život. Máte srdce na pravém místě jste úžasní super lidi thenk you very much Děkuji vám všem.

thank you Hero’s
Thanks for helping and saving this cute little cat family
What a kind person. I'm really grateful.
Please saving innocence cats

So Beautiful

Thank you

Angel, Hope, and Charity

Thank you.
Thanks a lot. Well done.
siete impagabili favolosi
Thank you. Thank you

감사합니다 구조해주신분 수의사분들 감사합니다 복많이받으실겁니다
Jesus love
the world that he gave his only begotten son That who so
ever believes in him should not die But have ever lasting life
For God so loved
merci mille fois.
Tapete lã gata mama

Deus te abençoe
Cama sono Gata mama
Mama would have made a fantastic bait cat…but I guess it wasn’t to be…
Dios los bendiga y acompañe gracias por todo
ειστε αγγελοι
Omg. Its a miracle that you find them! Thank You for rescue and taking care. God Bless You

Thank you
