5 CRAZY Weather Moments Caught On Camera SUBSCRIBE: https://bit.ly/3obsVlo Extreme weather moments like these are …
5 CRAZY Weather Moments Caught On Camera SUBSCRIBE: https://bit.ly/3obsVlo Extreme weather moments like these are …
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That's the largest dust devil I ever seen
The esteem of the AL'Mighty King, Master YaHUaH! Baruk be Your esteem, O Mighty One of the shamayms (heavens), now & forevermore!
amazing nature
Weather? Volcano? Something doesn't seem right
Эта горит тополинный пух. Эта он только он имеет такой белый цвет.
Love this dude and not in a fucking wried way or anything. Cuz watch every episode like clock work lol. But umm at 8 mins 41 seconds into the episode the volcano eruption scene pause it there and go into settings video and go down to your speed where it says normal ya ok take that all the way up to the slowest on your device and them turn up the volume a bit more and play that 8.41 into the episode and tell me what u hear ??? Cuz if I'm not mistaken that is fucking creepy as a mofo no joke lol. So peoples try that. I promise u nothing bad to the character/ legitimacy of the channel or the person making the video cuz this channel is the fucking shit OK and I just try it and when u do comment on this.. I'm not going crazy people OK it's for real I would never say shuch a madman status. It's just something I came across doing it and it's crazy when plays after u slow it down all the way to the lowest speed .. 🤔🤔🤔😕😕
أحسن كلمات في هذا فيديو هما:: استغفر الله العظيم ☝️
i wonder if anyone has tried to use a hose to spray water INTO a dust devil … be interesting to see what would happen …
Dust devil's are daytime Spirits on the move, in native American culture and we as Ute do not stand or get caught in them, and they are mostly evil
Good theres no houses
I would have walked into it
Allaahu akbar allaahu akbar allaahu akbar allaahu akbar
In November 11 that is going to happen the hurricane
Anthor hurricane is going to come in this Friday I’m not joking ok
When we drove the combine during wheat harvest we would chase dust devil's down if we could
Why are they laughing at the flash flood 😭
wow a fi fing is teneng to nengch
The first looked to fake
Video clip 1 looks like the same as lighting the cotton from a cottonwood trees which i wouldn't recommend, one stray spark lit up my Mom and Dad's entire backyard two additional properties when I was living with them in The South Valleys of Albuquerque, New Mexico
The wildfire clip you showed of the park was set on fire on purpose to get rid of the cotton. Do your research better.
Since when are volcano eruptions and controlled burns weather?
that first one is common here…the cottonwood poplars leave that fuzz and its burns really easy
Dude u ain't fancy using big words dislike unsubscribe
there's no limit to what our planet can do? it can't stand on one leg and pat its head and rub its belly at the same time.
yeah, dust devils are real crazy, wind of almost forty whole mph. you could even get grit in your eye, how crazy would that be.
I can attest to the cottonfuzz flamibility. Have huge cottonwoods at our vacation trailer spot in Kernville CA and a spark from a campfire got int some fuzz piles and it was like some crazy fast gas-like fire. Spread fast and was out fast.
Also, was driving in Palm Desert are with my dad when I asked him about the dry creekbeds all over the undercrossings. He said they were flash flood washes…an hour later a huge storm cell came through and all the washes were so full, they were hitting the brisge bottoms…and some over the roads completely!
Ah, the power of satan winning over "god"
That F1 looking dust devil is rather impressive!
If that volcano eruption was near new zealand most of those hikers died, the survivors have permanent disfiguring full body burns.
if i remember correctly the 3rd one the flash flood was a release of dam watter and not the rain that happened somwhere upstream.
i think that if u listen carefully they do talk abbout a dam release .
the dust devil video was the fakest looking video, the dust devil was clipping off the ground
What was that green stuff being cooked for breakfast? It doesn't look appetizing to me at all. I would have used the volcano eruption as an excuse to skip breakfast and go get some waffles or pancakes.
That volcanic lightening is beautiful. It seemed to hit in the same areas over and over. Amazing to see the bolts last so long too.
I love the first part of it
Cottonwood trees…..my siblings and I burnt the cotton like this when we were in grade school! This is NOT a weather phenomenon.
The one with the volcanos if I as there I would be so scared. Literally running for dere life to get away from that volcanoe
that lightning is just amazing. I love it.
I was near Pecos TX in the late 90's when one a little smaller than the 'tornado' they're showing came from one side of the interstate and crossed to the other. Amazing to see.
I live in Indonesia
The first disaster was good for life