10 Scary Videos From ALL OVER Tha PLACE

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Not Nuke’s Top 5, it’s a top 10 : lots of ghosts and scary stuff. We’ll cover ALL sorts of scary stories of allegedly REAL paranormal activity. You’ll see apparitions, weird EVPS, ghost hunters, scary tiktok ghosts, and everything else within the creepy, spooky realm of the supernatural. Does anyone read this far? IF ya do- there is a ghost caught on camera on live tv, a haunted hotel,a ghost caught on a Ring cam /cctv, and more.

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If you liked this scary video, you should also check out these other Nukes Tops 5 parnormal Top 5 lists:
10 SCARY Videos That Are NIGHTMARE FUEL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fqCvakxhYl4
And THEN maybe try:
Top 5 Ghost Videos SO SCARY You’ll Be SHOOK

Nukes Tops 5 Social Media:
Suggest videos: NukesTop5@gmail.com
Twitter: nukestop5
Instagram: nukestop5official
TikTok: nukestop5official
Facebook: nukestop5
Reddit: NukesTop5


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About the Author: Nuke's Top 5


  1. At 18:22 to 18:25 until the store man hair touches by someone a very fainst sound of Spirit can be heard, the spirits said ( Right behind you ) a very slow voice I heard I wish other people watch closely and increase the volume of the sound of man in store not background music just listen a spirit said something and I can heard so I think spirit communicate with the store person very fainst slow voice ( I am right behind you ) .. listen very closely.someone speak something at this time .

  2. no intro we all know whats about. You are the only youtuber that does background check on every video that may explain 4.37 mil subs. DO SIENCE ON GHOSTS PLEASE

  3. About time Mr nuke 😂 but can I respectfully say, I feel like, it's taking you that long to upload now, that I tend to have seen most of the videos your uploading recently. I don't know if anyone else agrees. ❤

  4. When I worked in the newspaper business in the late 1980's there was a note on one account that said please ignore the sounds of a woman screaming because it is just a peacock that lived on the property. It sounded eerily like a woman.

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