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About the Author: Katrina Weidman


  1. Katrina! Ive been watching you since the very very beginning, when you and I were younger. Now I watch everything you do with my 14 year old son Liam ❤

    He fell in love with all things mysterious because of your warm, curious, genuine personality.

    Thank you for everything ❤

  2. Way to go Katrina!!!! I’ve been following your work since Paranormal State!! It’s awesome watching you grow and evolve both as a person and investigator!! Keep up the awesome work!!

  3. Great show. Always appreciate your and Heather's investigative approach to include a clear delineation between subjective and objective evidence. Can you share any info on the other project the two of you are working on??

  4. Katrina I’m a very long time supporter of your work! Congratulations on the show & happy for you. Sending love from Scotland UK..🍾🥂🫶❤️🎉

  5. ❤ katrina.s shows and video.s specially paranormal lockdown with my fav paranormal investigator nick groff

    ❤ u katrina all the very best in love health and happyness with your new family member ❤

  6. What's the scariest moment you had in your time doing paranormal investigations?
    Is it scarier being a woman doing paranormal investigations? Like is it true that women are more likely to be possessed than men are?
    I totally enjoyed the few episodes of Portals to Hell series that you made.

  7. Yay!!! So happy u guys are back!!! I need my ghost hunting itch scratched so bad.. tried other shows but nothing compares to u guys. Especially the true realness of ghost hunting an not over the top fake for click an views.. missed u guys an congratulations Katrina on the baby 🎉❤🎉❤🎉

  8. No idea why I didn't get notified about this?! 😭
    But better late than never I guess 😂
    Congratulations about the baby 💖 & keep on being amazeballs! Love from me & my fur babies in the UK ☀️🤗💖👻👻👻

  9. I'm a support Engineer and love the techy stuff "How does it work"? It's great to see you guys back online! Congrats on the new little one and the more haunted hospitals the better..

  10. I noticed the neat old stuff in the room and thought … Kat's got a cool living room, looks like White Hill… wait, is that a rope… Ha! it IS White Hill Mansion :>)

  11. Wow Katrina! Ypu still look great! So happy to see you are still up to hauntings! I always wanted to see if I could handle that. I lived in 3 haunted houses. I’m happy watching for now! 😂Be safe and I wish you the best! Blessings! ✌️☀️👼We live in Jim Thorpe PA now. Some fun haunted happenings here.

  12. Listening to you guys talk about how important gathering real data over time to back up experiences, made me think of Sasquatch. There are a few groups who are out there gathering real data on Big Foot. Really interesting and hard to argue with. I like that kind of real scientific backing.

  13. Your eye for detail is so beneficial in these investigations. It's just amazing. You have an amazing voice too. Love to listen to your songs. Congrats on the baby too !!!
    I would love to see you kids do an overnight investigation at the cemetery that Heather was at near Skinwalker Ranch. I think that place could use a really good investigation.

  14. This is great to watch. I'm planning my first paranormal night visit. I'm a sensitive and while I was at Paracon this past May I could some great responses on the Spirit Talker app. I really like Zacks equipment and definitely agree that the weather affects paranormal. My family has lived in haunted homes all my life. Even my current home has one. So I like seeing other people's experiences. I have been a long time fan of you Katrina going back to the Portals to Hell and the Paranormal Lockdown days!

  15. Been to Pennhurst many times, my sister spent much of her life there until it was closed. the stench of feces, screaming inmates (they were not patients) and ineptitude of staff are burned into my memory.

  16. I must admit that I’ve been on a few invests and I don’t get scared,well not yet, my wanting to know what made a sound or light overrides my fear.the best thing to happed was a child laughing in an old theatre ,with only adults in .

  17. Oh how lovely to have Ms. Katrina back! 😊 Been following since Paranormal State! Always so genuine, honest and empathetic 💗 Cant wait to follow along on this new journey too 🥰 Congratulations on your baby 🫄🤱 Sending love from Chicago 🇺🇲💜

  18. Absolutely an awesome video of y’all’s Penhurst experiences. One of my sons and my things was watching PS together. We were always anticipating the next episode. I’m new to your channel but am so glad I found it. Have a fantabulous rest of September.

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