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About the Author: Thralls Of Metal


  1. Wow, haven't heard anyone mention Inner Thought in many years. They were kind of a thing when I was first getting into more extreme metal. Their stuff got some airplay on the local campus heavy radio shows, and I remember an interview with Bobby after their second album came out. Industrial death metal is not really my thing and yeah, you described that album prettyw ell from what I remember. The second one does have a bit more going on. I am not sure I'd totally recommend it if you didn't like this one at all but it's much better executed from waht I remember, though there's still the drum machine, odd use of female vocals (and even a Jamaican dude semi-rapping at one point), and lots of heavy mid-paced riffs. I thought the vocalist had a nice powerful roar and always wondered what happened to him, since I never heard anything from him after this band.

  2. INNER THOUGHT, The song DROWNING IN SORROW is my favorite from that album, it has some female vocals on it. I remember buying it when it was released back in the day and their 2nd album as well.

  3. Happy to see you got my compatriots from Lost Soul😎 If you think it was solid you should try next two albums Chaostream and Immerse In Infinity. They are much better there. Really get their own personality and much better riffs. Especially Chaostream I do love – I believe it is really underrated as it should make this band bigger.

  4. Those first 3 Metal Church albums are flawless. The Human Factor is still really good too.

    Adding on from that King's X self titled… two members of Galactic Cowboys had a band beforehand called The Awful Truth, they put out one album that sounds a lot like early King's X, excellent album highly recommended.

  5. Man you guys should do an episode on most heavy albums on earth. Like a top 10. Mine would be. #1 primitive man #2 portal #3 meshuggah #4 cryptopsy #5 morticeon #6 crowbar #7 electric wizard #8 black toung #9 corrupted #10 malevolent creation.

  6. For me, Nevermore debut and final album were disappointing, but everything in between is PHENEOMENAL. Warrel Dane and Peter Steele are metal's biggest losses for me.

  7. I have not heard that Nevermore self titled debut in ages, but man, I remember I played that thing repeatedly over and over and over for weeks and even months on end back when it came out. As you say, maybe not their best or most consistent release, but the 3-4 best songs on the album absolutely rules! The song 'Garden of Gray' in particular is a highlight; definitely on par with the mighty Sanctuary. ('Into the Mirror Black' is one of my favorite albums of all time.)

    Damn, I miss Warrel Dane; in my opinion one of the 10-15 best singer in all of metal. ..and one hell of a songwriter and lyricist too. R.I.P..

  8. More early Nevermore!! Yay!! I loved your take on DNB. IMO their best work. This is a band where you can argue their sound change. I know DHiaDW and this Godless Endeavor is good, but there was something about them building in those early years sonically to DNB. Loomis is one of my favorite guitarists, composers, and gear nerd of all time.

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