She is so emaciated that her ribs are protruding and we can see every bone in her body

She is so emaciated that her ribs are protruding and we can see every bone in her body
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WEACT received an urgent request about a dog dying from hunger. They said she had been left alone for months after its owner passed away. She quietly stayed by his motionless owner, waiting for the owner to wake up again. Scarlet too hasn’t given up. She goes through all the treatments with amazing strength. Scarlet has a long way to go, but her perseverance gives us hope. She continued doing great every day. Massive thanks for the help of everyone and every donation in giving her a second chance. Keep her in your prayers and share her story.

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사단법인 위액트 WEACT
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About the Author: Paws In Need


  1. Armes kleines Baby,wer war so grausam zu Ihm,welchem Züchter hat Er wiedermal nicht der Norm endsprochen,ich find es grausig,das es immer noch so Herzlose Züchter gibt,die sollten alle,aufs schärfste konntrolliert werden,und nicht wegen dem Geld Tiere züchten,ich finde es auch der Hündin gegenüber grausig,die muß das über sich ergehn lassen,ob Sie will oder nicht,damit der scheiß Züchter,wieder Tiere zum verkaufen hat,und endspricht ein Welpe nicht der Norm,dann weg damit,mit dem kann man kein Geld machen,und die Hündin wenn Sie nach und nach Ihre Babys Kinder verliert,löst das kein Trauma in Ihr aus,aber Sie ist ja nur ein Hund,ein Tier,die haben keine Gefühle,eh Flöte gepfiffen,und ob die Gefühle haben,das sind Ihre Babys Ihr Fleisch und Blut! Da fand ich 1001 Dalmtiner gut,die haben alle behalten❤❤❤😢😢😢

  2. OH NO!!! To see this dog emaciated like this breaks my heart I follow all these rescues and I bless all the people that help these beautiful innocent animals I could never understand how anyone can hurt any animal that helpless they're beautiful creatures their gods gifts to us. Whoever did this and left this dog abandon should spend time in prison

  3. Бедная лапочка кто же тебя так замордувал воздай всевышний по их делам спасибо людям которые спасают и не остаются равнодушными

  4. Так довели собаку до такого состояния.Боже накажут людей которые издеваются над животными😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

  5. I can’t understand how that dog was there and not one person tried to help before it got in this condition? Wouldn’t it have gone out looking for food or some help? It looks like it’s just out in public on a sidewalk. That is so heartbreaking. I can’t even wrap my head around how that could happen. Humans can be just pure evil

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