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This dog was being pulled by its owner. A kind hearted couple saw the poor dog and stopped the man. The man told the couple that the dog had given birth 9 times. He’s holding one of her puppies. After the dog gave birth to the last litter, she lost her ability to walk.
Rather than taking her to the animals hospital and get her checked out by a vet, the cruel man decided to sell her. He didn’t even have the heart to put her in a case. He just pulled her along a very long stretch of road that was getting grilled by the sun. It was already unbearable for humans, not to mention a small dog who has to drag herself along the hot pavement.
As the man was pulling the dog, the lady kept trying to get the man to stop. The couple really wanted to help the poor dog but they already have over 200 rescue dogs and couldn’t afford another one. But seeing how sad the dog was, they decided that they must do something and offered to buy the two dogs for $400.
The man agreed but at the last second, he changed his mind and wouldn’t sell the puppy. They said sorry to the mother dog for not being able to save her child.
While at the market, buying stuff for the dogs, they couldn’t help but remember how heartbroken the mother dog looked so they hoped in their car. Hoping that the man hadn’t walk too far.
Thankfully, they were able to find the old man and after a lot of back and forth, he finally decided to sell the puppy. He reminded the lady not to starve the dog, to remember to feed him. Which was funny because he wasn’t a good dog owner himself.
The poor puppy was panting from the heat. They quickly got him home and gave him some water. Thanks to these two kind human beings, the two dogs can live. It’s hard to imagine that the puppy would suffer from at the hands of this cruel man.
Wtf is wrong with people!?!?!? 🤬😡Clealy this monster doesn’t know that what goes around comes around!!!
Thank you to those who rescued these angels🙏🏻👍🏼🙏🏻
God bless you for rescuing this family
Some people are so evil. Praise all kind people who are kind to animals.
WTH old man
If you really cared for animals, you would have sold the mommy and puppy together 😡. Thank you for going back to retrieve the puppy.😢❤
how he behave like this to the poor dog why he so cruel 🤲🤲😭😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🤲🤲
Puppy mills are disgusting
This is pure evil and cruelty, beyond words, there has to be a very special place in hell for him in hell since he is a demon. Huge thank you to the nice couple for saving the mother dog and the puppy. 🙏♥️🐾🐶
Put him in jail
Heartbreaking to force any animal to keep on getting pregnant and then selling her babies over and over. Thank you for saving her. Don’t Shop-Adopt to prevent backyard breeders. No demand=No supply! 💔😢
Horrible, how can someone do that to a cute mama dog, thank you for this couple who decided to go back and buy those dogs. Thank you for sharing this video the mama so cute the man didn't give her a chance. Gob bless this couple 🎉
Puppy mills are extremely evil! This man is an evil person! Thank God this couple decided to help this disabled dog + her puppy!!
na ju toobe ima prevara,lazi I svasta za pare ,glume da vole zivotinje ikoristavaju ,muce ih za pare .
God bless you for taking in both😢❤
How horrible.
What an awful human being. Didn't care how he was dragging her along. Especially when she couldn't walk. Her hair and whole looks so sad. Thank You for saving them. ❤❤❤
Evil man grrr
Thank you for giving this precious mom and her baby a 🧬. Yes puppy mills are evil and still legal in United States wtkeck
Q mounstro del q según era su dueño así le deberían de hacer lo mismo al deserebrado, gracias a Dios q todavía hay personas que son ángeles para los niños guaguas ❤❤❤ y compro al niño guagua d ese sr q desquita sus frustraciones y amarguras en un niño guagua q recuerde que el karma tarda pero llega
Heart breaking