Stray Cat Lives Inside Styrofoam Box After Friend Got Taken❤️ #animalshorts #catshorts #cat

Stray Cat Lives Inside Styrofoam Box After Friend Got Taken❤️ #animalshorts #catshorts #cat
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This stray cat was given a styrofoam box as a compassionate gesture by a kind hearted person. Since then he’s been using it as his home. People in the area would come and feed him however, gradually, they noticed that he got very thin and called in professional help from an animal rescue group.

They revealed that the cat used to have a companion but since the cat has been taken, no one has seen the cat again. They left behind the lonely cat who has no one. Due to grief, the cat hasn’t been eating much.

The poor kitty beared all the rain and sun without anyone to truly love him. No one wanted to take him in and formally adopt him because he looked sick and was worried he would get the other cats sick as well. However, they did care enough to finally call in someone to help.

They took the cat to the vet who confirmed that the cat had some skin disease and would need treatment. They shaved off his fur and gave him a bath. Slowly, he got better.

Even after so much mistreatment, the cat was still affectionate. He let the vet pet him and even when he didn’t like a treatment, he’s gentle. He wouldn’t scratch and bite. This beautiful boy deserves a home. Don’t you think?


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About the Author: Wholesome Animals


  1. Yes he deserves a home that's filled with love from humans who really want him for himself, as their beloved pet. All animals and people need love and security and safety and want to be wanted

  2. Made me cry . I wish they could find his friend. It's so sad that he misses his friend and stopped eating . I wish I could find his friend.
    Thank you for looking after this precious baby xx God bless

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