Fortnite Streamers WHO GOT ROBBED LIVE! In this WeFly video we take a look at some of the biggest Fortnite streamers who got …
Fortnite Streamers WHO GOT ROBBED LIVE! In this WeFly video we take a look at some of the biggest Fortnite streamers who got …
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wow they did Tifue dirty
5:29. "Tfue stolen from him."
WeFly is an unintelligent beggar who tries to get people to li./ke and sub./scri./be. If you want those, EARN THEM! People will do them when THEY WANT to, not when you WANT THEM to. You do not deserve l./ikes or sub./scrip./tions. Also, you beg for li./kes, you get disli./kes. Karma.
WeFly is an unintelligent beggar who tries to get people to li./ke and sub./scri./be. If you want those, EARN THEM! People will do them when THEY WANT to, not when you WANT THEM to. You do not deserve l./ikes or sub./scrip./tions. Also, you beg for li./kes, you get disli./kes. Karma.
Pokimane. Is. Not. A. Fortnite. Streamer.
Wait are you showing other peoples content? Didn’t you have a fit and melt down for some one els doing this same thing.
What game(play) is on screen?
The Mald Overlord sends his regards. F U
Why would someone take a fridge and a stove? That's weird.
Pokimane disnt get robbed it was a youtuber lol
Wait tfue robbed himself
i like yur edits there so cool
2:30 is red and Carson dude do a background check before hand
you know its fake when you see "fortnite"
I did my have to like because I liked a vid that says it I liked that vid id be immune to anything bad if I don't like Edit: I liked after I watched the vid
Wow i thougt This was really Famous videos
Edit: its not in a mean Way im just saying that he is making really good videos and it deserve more fame😁
I dare you to heart my comment
I was the 1000 view!!!
3:03. Let me tell you. If I (personally) came face to face with someone who had broken into my house, I would not be laughing like that.
Me streaming, suddenly a robber comes
Me: I’m streaming and I can see you
The robber: Oh shit
2:30 is tednivision, the second clip is callmecarson
I got first like
I got first comment