Mass Evacuation In Vietnam! Typhoon Yagi With 257 Km/H | Natural Disasters Caught On Camera #161

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The video titled “Mass Evacuation In Vietnam! Typhoon Yagi With 257 Km/H | Natural Disasters Caught On Camera #161” captures intense footage of natural disasters caught on camera. Typhoon Yagi, a devastating super typhoon, wreaks havoc with winds reaching speeds of 257 km/h, leaving mass destruction in its wake. In one of the most dramatic moments, the video shows streets flooded with torrential rain as powerful floods engulf entire neighborhoods, a frightening example of natural disasters caught on camera. This footage of Typhoon Yagi’s path of destruction is a striking example of how natural disasters caught on camera can show the sheer force of nature. The combination of heavy thunderstorms and the relentless storm surge further underscores the severity of this event, making it one of the most harrowing natural disasters caught on camera in recent memory.

00:00 natural disasters caught on camera
03:20 the flood
07:12 landslides
13:25 thunderstorms
18:45 biggest tornado
24:04 extreme weather


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About the Author: MIND TV


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