Tales of the Aliens – Alien Explained Compilation

Tales of the Aliens - Alien Explained Compilation
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Compilation of Alien Explained Videos Covering various Xenomorphs and other creatures related to the Xenomorph.

00:00 – The Gigantic Xenomorph Kings
07:32 – Praetorian Xenomorph Explained
18:04 – Praetomorph Explored – Alien Covenant Protomorph
26:15 – Deacon Alien – Alien Explained
39:23 – Alien Queen Royal Guard – Hive Defenders
45:48 – Xenomorph Runner – Alien Explained
52:03 – Red Xenomorph (Genocide) – Alien Explained
55:57 – K-Series Yellow Weyland Yutani Xenomorph
59:36 – Romulus Xenomorph & Scorched Alien



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About the Author: SciFi Explained


  1. This is that xenomorphs take on aspects from its host which would mean all of them will be different from each other so while the covenant alien wasn't what people was wanting. Every film has had slightly different designs. I didn't mind that we didn't get another Big guy. We're was so close to getting the xenomorph we know and love. Just needed 1 more film to finish the prequel trilogy

  2. There is one correction on the ALIENS GENOCIDE comic, which contradicts the coloring of the Red Aliens as a supposed design choice claiming that it was only to make them less confusing to the readers. And it is that in the very story, the scientist Amos Begalli clearly says that the other Aliens ARE indeed Red, a possible natural mutation, or simply another kind, like Black and Red Ants. Begalli even presents the heads of the two distinct Aliens to Grant and Alex explaining this and discussing the feud for dominance between the hives, as the Red "mutants" are perceived as a threat by the regular Black Aliens. Begalli then suggests that in order to get the Royal Jelly, they should destroy the Red mutant Hive, and Henriksen (The Duke Nukem looking guy) literally suggests Nuking them.

    So yeah, no, the Red Aliens were indeed Red, not a way to make the readers not confuse the Aliens in the story when they fought and not a mistake in the coloring.

  3. Oof so many variants! Really drives home the whole "biological weapon" aspect of the species, and how malleable the form of a xeno has based on its roll in or out of a hive! This plus its progenitor species and different specieal branching relatives, it becomes pretty hard to keep up with, ngl 😅😅

  4. Is David's strain of xeno really what we see in the 4 main films? I thought the eggs in alien 1 didn't come from David. But a long time ago. Please lmk your reasoning. I'm interested to know.

  5. Always appreciate more alien content, keep up the great work my guy! 💪

    BTW, in your Opinion which alien do you like more, The Ultramorph or the Decon? I personally much prefer the Ultramorph, its just so much cooler and intimidating.

  6. rewatching the preatomorph part, when Ridley said that its actually a xenomorph, even though it has obvious design differences, kind of made me think about the terminology. So maybe xenomorph and preatomoph are kind of like different breeds of dogs, like a husky and a german shepherd, different breeds, but still a dog. So saying "its a xenomorph" is like saying "its a dog" and saying "its a preatomorph" is like saying "its a husky".
    Then the neomorph would be the wolf in this analogy.
    does this make sense?

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