Are You Afraid of Death?

Are You Afraid of Death?
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Larry King and Stan Lee discuss life after death.
Spoken by Larry King and Stan Lee.

#shorts #motivation #stanlee #larryking #lifeadvice


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About the Author: Motivation Real


  1. Death has been the greatest motivator in human history. If you think about all the great achievements. It was because man wanted to achieve immortality. It makes everything meaningless but makes our achievements mean everything. Death and life need eachother to exist. They give purpose to the other. Amen

  2. Forever is a concept for the living. Thereā€™s no ā€œforeverā€ when you are ā€œnothingnessā€and no longer constrained by time.

    Actually you canā€™t even be nothingness since itā€™s nothing to be.

  3. Sad part is both have found out there life after death. Man is a living soul and his soul is eternal and where it spends eternity isnā€™t in a multiverse but heaven or hell and only through Christ is redemption

  4. People aint made of shit we are no differnt from ok the thing that is where you find your true death or transfer is what are the atoms of yourself doing after you die is it going into a birds brain or a baby lile

  5. Time has no meaning in the realm of unconsciousness. Eternity passes in the blink of an eye. Therefore, we shall never have to undergo the experience of being dead because that's, by definition, not an experience.

    That really does mean that your sense of continuity can never be severed. You have to realize that this void, which we all go into in death, is the same void out of which you came when you were born. You may think that this constitutes an insufferable loop, a kind of meta-groundhog day in which we are all trapped in a cycle of repetition, but that is an illusion created by our system of memories.

    Supposing that your memories were dissolved every night in sleep. Wouldn't you awaken every day as if for the first and only time?

    This is why the term "re-incarnation" is misleading and not quite appropriate. The prefix "re" seems to indicate this cyclical or repetitive quality, which just isn't a characteristic of an incarnation which feels itself to be the first of its kind.

    You see, the key rhetorical question is this:
    If, after your death, you were born again, but you had to forget your former life in order to do so, then would it really be "you" who had been born again?

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