A hiker’s GoPro captured the insane moment she plunged down a 50-foot waterfall in Hawaii. Heather Friesen, 26, an American beach volleyball player was hiking Ka’au Crater Trail in Hawaii with friends in 2016 when she slipped and fell into fast-flowing water below. Footage of the ordeal has just been released. She broke 10 ribs, suffered a collapsed lung, and fractured her shoulder blade after losing her footing. Friesen had turned her GoPro camera on moments before she fell. #InsideEdition
Thats why you very careful watch your step around cliff edges..oh and don't ever get that close to a cliff edge
dumb but lucky.
How stupid can you be?
I wonder if that hurt
Omg 😱
What a stupid
the fact you could hear her bones break scares me
Natural selection trying to thin out the oblivious genes ..
Why the hell would you go this near to a Cliff? Just missed the darwin award.
Kind of your fault for standing so close to it😂
natural selection like damn well get em next time
Red Rabbit And Blue Rabbit Fall Down Stairs
She was blessed she wasn’t alone. Otherwise she would have passed out in that water, and drowned in the worst case.
She's like: here hold my beer
Serves her right..why would she go that close ..nkt
No remorse.
Lucky she still alive
Imagine the water turned red
bro i wouldnt get that close to the edge of a jetty let alone a cliff
Remember to take your brain with you when you leave the computer.
wow such a clean video, as in you can see exactly the step which caused the fall. Glad she's ok but seriously why take the risk. She just got way too close.
Very smart going that close to the edge! It’s called “thinning the herd”
Seriously she marched up to the edge of a wet cliff and fell off, hardly surprising.
People always died because of their cellphones selfies…😳
The dumbest Girl ever…😎
its funny when she says that and still smiling about it
rails entered the chat
Darwin Award nominee
Dare me … l hope you healed well and had a full recovery….
Honestly how did you not see that water !! I dont believe you because you stepped so close to the edge anyway which gives a good indication of your IQ, meaning you dont understand that water makes most surfaces slippery 😂😂
No need to buy a lottery ticket, she’s used up all her luck surviving that fall.
Why would you step on the edge with water on it?????
OUCH!! Omg
Heather broke her common sense organ
She is lucky to have survived a fall like that.
I thought was ms froon and kremer
Man she got so close to the edge it almost looked like she walked right off the cliff