Man Cried by What He Saw His Pets Doing in Heaven | Near Death Experience
The man who experienced a near-death experience 3 times and learned a great lesson
Man Cried by What He Saw His Pets Doing in Heaven | Near Death Experience
The man who experienced a near-death experience 3 times and learned a great lesson
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Even though they are not created in His image, they were created first. He loves animals. Be kind to them. He wouldn’t have given us such amazing gifts if He didn’t love them and us. ✝️
Thank You. I really need to kmow this, and need to see my beloved pets. I need to see them again
We best worry 1st that, we ourselves, believe that Jesus diedvfor our sins to be forgiven so we could even enter heaven. After this. Then we can ask for see our beloved pets. Time is short. Be rapture ready!
This is demonic
I just booked a vet to put our dog down at home. It's in 4 days & I'm in tears. Who am I to say this day will be your last breath. I too hope to pass soon to be with her again. Sweetest, loving. Omg this is hard! I'm going to spoil her over the few days left
No dog owner would refer to their pup as "it".
No one would call their "cherished pet" an it.
What is this from? What is the book you are reading from?
There are no scriptures in God's word that indicate animals have eternal souls. Man is the only creation that God gave a eternal soul.
Dog keeps changing looks and kind of dog
First off, NDEs is not Biblical. So already this video is behind the 8-ball. Secondly, pets in heaven is no where in Scripture. Anyone who believes this needs help
My puppies are my beautiful kids ❤❤❤❤😊😊😊😊
I just said goodbye to my best friend Rogue 24 hrs ago. In less then 16days my family lost two family members (one to suicide) and then unexpectedly my Belgian Mal Rogue had to be put to rest just barely hitting 8yrs old. She saved my life transitioning from the Marine Corps to civilian world. I will never have another one like her, and as a man who hardly cries and has seen horrible things… Losing her has left an empty hole inside of me. I never whelped so hard in my life. Daddy is going to miss you Rogue , you were such a good girl
I look forward to the day I get to meet up with my lost little ones.
This gave me so much hope i want to believe this that i see my cat in heaven again😭❤️🩹🙏 because other christians said that animals will not go to heaven…
I’m very attached to my cat, Leo . He was a gift from the Lord, I know. He’s 16 and doing ok with diabetes. It’s just him and I in the world. He’s my soulmate, best friend. So, in saying all that, I think every day how much I will miss him when his time comes. I’ll never be prepared for his time to go. I pray that he will remember me and be there to greet me when my time comes. I’ve told him I want to spend eternity with him. I’m scared of him dying and I’ll cry thinking about it. I need to Kevin the now and not worry about dying. Either of us. I pay he’ll meet me and my soulmate will go on with me I to eternity. I’d rather him than any person I’ve known or family I had.
I believe it.
I’ve heard that the tunnel is a soul trap and the evil ones send people back to report how wonderful it is.
What if I put my cat down cause she was suffering, couldn’t eat and went from fat to skin and bones 🙁 if I put her down Is this what I should do as a someone with a hope and belief in Jesus Christ
I lot my baby doggie girl 3 days back. This video comforted me so much that I will see her when I get to heaven 😭