Meet Terry in this episode of Shocking Rescue Stories with Dr Scott Miller. After being badly beaten by his previous owner, everyone pulls together to rescue this young puppy and try and save his life.
Thank you to Rachel for sharing Terry’s story ❤️
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Information correct as of April 2024
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Hope To Dream by Adam Drake, Tom Jenkins, https://t.lickd.co/5wPX7Lddb9Z License ID: Worqknk3bnD
Day To Day 2 by David Kelly, https://t.lickd.co/5pM2v16PM7A License ID: xyQbJyJKQXJ
Fading Colours by Paul Mottram, https://t.lickd.co/2EOpByjyWdy License ID: BjAgV5V6mPJ
First Sunrise by Bob Bradley, Thomas Balmforth, Chris Egan, https://t.lickd.co/jePLZ2Vyam4 License ID: B0LpDYl4LVy
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I also bet the owner was never held responsible????
I had no idea it was so bad in the UK 😢 though its well known police do all too little due to red tape and apalling support by the uk government 😢
Again, I ask…why bother getting an animal if you're only going to treat them like this? I would guess that alcohol was involved, but that is not an excuse. I hope this person was prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
The person that hurt this poor dog is rotten to the core the people that abused this puppy should never be allowed near any animal they should never have the rights to hurt any animal its disgusting that the laws against animal cruelty is none existant something as to change . I really hope this dog goes on to have the life he deserves. Thankyou to all the wonderful people who helped to save him i hope God richly blesses you all❤❤❤
Thank You to everyone who saved Terry!!!!!
What a great family for Terry and a fantastic woman who saved him, ❤
Mine pees on my muddy mat she is 10years old just clean it up
He’s soooo CUTE 💖
Don’t know what Rachel’s accent was but could not understand a word she said, so had to give up— too bad….
I have a rescued dog . He is my fourth dog and he is the most amazing and nicest dog. He was very traumatized and even after seven years he can be terrified very quickly. I am so happy that he is a part of my life. 🐶🙋♀️
This puppy deserves the best life after all he has been through. Thank you to the vets for healing him and to the lady that rescued him from the puppy abuser. Why do people have animals if they can't be aware that sometimes accidents happen and they pee on the carpet? Sometimes it is the owners fault for not walking them enough to allow them to do their potty outside or in the garden.
😢❤ poor baby 🙏🙏🙏
Cruel owner of his own child had urinated would he beaten him
So grateful that this little boy survived – for the angel who saved him and the wonderful helpers who love these beings so much.
It is very important for anyone raising a puppy to clearly understand that if a puppy has an accident in the house, its not their fault, it is the human parent's fault. Are they being taken out to potty as often as they need for their tiny bladder and infant muscle control? When my Koko was a baby, I set an alarm and took him out once in the middle of each night for the first few months. As soon as he got restless in the morning, I would take him out again. When his bladder was more mature, he started sleeping through the night. Is their home environment peaceful and relaxing, or loud, stressful, and terrifying? It is natural for a terrified, stressed, puppy to have accidents. Don't crank up the death metal and high-explosion action-adventure films. Wear your headphones and protect their little nervous systems from pee-inducing stress. Are they getting enough rest (puppies need LOTS of sleep) and being taken out immediately after waking from a long nap? Are they getting long enough walks? Sometimes puppies need a couple of "goes" in order to completely empty their bladder or finish pooping. Don't rush them back inside after one pee. Give them a little while to finish up. Do your homework, treat them with gentle care, and you will have a loyal best friend for lie.
Thank you to everyone who saved him . Terry,s got a wonderful mum now and I'm glad he's loved . ❤
Because you would not walk her?
Stunning! Lovely life for all. Many blessings ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Now Terry lives in Paradise with his wonderfull Family on the Farm.
Disgusting humans who abuse innocent animals!
Thank you 😅
Oh my god! How can anybody with a soul do this to another living creature. Respect to all involved in saving these souls
What sort of evil must inhabit these … I can't call them people…. these objects, to make them think it's okay to abuse an innocent baby like Terry? This is just indescribable😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 Thank God you were there to save him. What an absolute darling he is.❤❤❤❤❤❤
Why do people get animals to just abuse them?
What type of dog is he?
Why have a pet if you aren't prepared to take proper care of it? Plenty of people have kids by accident, but getting a pet is something you have to go out of your way to do. (And obviously, I'm not saying that abusing unwanted children is OK either; I simply can't understand the motivation for getting animals you aren't prepared to care for properly.)
I hope the person who done that to an innocent puppy was jailed. Bless Terry he found someone that loves and deserves him. ❤️
I am so sorry this beautiful baby went through such horror. I am most happy baby is with a loving family, has friends, food, and appears happy as can be now.
I get saving animals but most of us cant afford vet bills. Its all warm and fuzzy till you get the bill
Bless her🥲
Sweet Terry, lovely seeing he has so many pals, and enjoys life and love.
This story breaks my heart – how can someone do this to a defenseless puppy. Thank you to the very brave neighbour and everyone helping to save Terry. He has found the most wonderful loving home and it is the best ending to a very traumatic start ❤❤
The world seems to be full of these nasty demonic souls. So glad Terrys safe and well now.thank goodness for caring people with big❤s.
The UK abandoned taxes for dogs. As of now, each and every country that exit dog taxes is left with dog abuse, uncontrolled pregnancy, abundance, straydogs. Thank god, I live in Germany, animal abuse is low here.
I’m 68 years old and have always had a four legged best friend beside me through my life. I couldn’t live without them and can’t fathom how anyone could harm them. They bring me so much happiness and unconditional love. I can’t imagine not returning the love to them. 😊😊😊
There are days when I just don't understand people. What makes a person want to hurt others, especially a defenseless animal. Thanks to the people who cared.
That was felony animal abuse!
What happened to the abuser? This time he had been identified by the neighbour, no? Was he prosecuted?
I can’t believe this little dog is so happy. Thank you so much beautiful lady for saving this precious little dog. 🙂 🐶🌷🌱
I just can't conceive of the idea of how ppl , a human being can do things like this to innocent animals and children 😱😔
God Bless this family.
St. Roch, patron of dogs, pray for us, to be kind to them. Pray for us to help, not hurt. Amen.
He has an amazing family.
Thank you so much to that neighbor who didn't turn a blind eye and saved little Terry. Kudos to the vet staff who did their best to save him. I'm sure Terry will continue to give laughter and love to his furrever family. I hope the man who beat him gets punished for what he did.