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A fatal accident with a rotating machine is caught on camera. This horrific video shows the moment a worker was fatally injured in an accident. The victim’s body can be seen spinning around as the machine starts up. This is a brutal reminder of the dangers of working with rotating machinery.
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Never work around moving machinery with your shirt untucked
The work load that day sent him into a spiral, but at least he got a free spin class and now he is thinner than ever.
So fucking sad to die brutally like this just for a few bucks ! I’m so happy I don’t have a job at the moment ! I will never work in a place like this !!
Why aren’t these factories already investigated
What’s the beat?
Totaal fake.
another dumb chinese at work
0:33 where the gruesome part is
Just kidding, rest in peace for that guy 😪
You spin me round round…
This video shows how dangerous and powerful rotating machines can be, he didnt follow a safety rule, i think. it's just sad how he died on the job
Now that’s twisted 😂❤❤
What a idiot not training whatsover how to opetate this machine😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
The fact that he turned into a looney toones character 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
The man should not have told him off the machine like that. He could have had a neck injury.
People get their channels deleted for saying the word sex
Is he dead? Or is still alive but in hospital
That is just aweful! 😢😢
Why u blurr it out.
Pathetic 😑
May Rest In Peace😢😢😢
Why the censor???
Bro I’m Workin shirtless around spinny machines I’ve seen so many
It lol like it broke every bone in his body
May his soul rest in heaven, with God Almighty. ❤
Why the hell do these things not have some kind of dead mans switch to operate? Like a foot pedal and if your foot comes off it the machine stops 😡
I'm shocked it didn't just tear the shirt off of him. Pretty incredible.
Never operated a lathe before but I would like to get one for special projects, after seeing all these videos my big what not to do is reaching over the spinning work piece💯
These people are so STUPID 😂😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉 they just watch like STUPID 😂😂😂😂😅😅😅. No brain cells at all 😅😅😅
🇵🇭 Cant understand what happened. I kjiwnhe gir hit by a Robot but what ia in that Robot?
There’re some videos that don’t need an intense rap beat over them. This is one of those videos
위험한건 2인1조로 일해야함
🇵🇭 Im Mad at these machines for Tangling with people, some eating people or cooking people to death. Why 😡