Fox and cat Standoff.

Fox and cat Standoff.
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Fox’s are very perceptive, sensing the degree of aggression in other animals.
For those who are well meaning ,but misguided and think foxes are cat killers, here is some enlightenment on the subject:

Are foxes a threat to cats

Please note this video is mine. Please do not download it and re-upload anywhere thank you.

#wildlife #Fox #foxVcat#cute
© Will Clancy


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About the Author: WillClancy


  1. Cats' claws can inflict serious damage, that poor fox will be finding food very hard to come by without risking eye loss or nose laceration at the paws of a well fed cat on top of everything else it faces in everyday life.

  2. I run North Texas Barn Cats. We don't place kittens. A fox is an opportunist hunter. They won't mess with a full grown cat. If you put kittens out, and it's easy for a fox, they will be taken. A full grown cat isn't somthing a Fox wants to mess wtith. Thank You for sharing!

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