*Re-Uploaded & Re-Edited After YouTube Removed Video at 100k views*
A compilation of the 5 most graphic and gruesome elevator accidents available on the internet. I tried to include only the most viral and horrific accidents possible. The second video doesn’t have any associated CCTV footage clip other than the news report done later that afternoon. And the fourth video doesn’t divulge if the victim survives the accident or not. So it’s potentially a tragedy versus a fatality or death. I had to re-edit and censor some sections in the video to be compliant with Youtube’s guidelines and policies.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gesualdosanchez
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/gesualdosanchez
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Business Inquiries: GesualdoSanchez@icloud.com
5 MOST SHOCKING Elevator Deaths
5 MOST TRAGIC Deaths of All Time
5 MOST PAINFUL Deaths of All Time
RUTH PRICE – SCARIEST 911 Call of All Time
BEAR ATTACK – Russian Teen Makes FINAL Call To Mom
JOHN JONES – Caver Gets Stuck Upside Down and Dies
YouTube Videos Used for CCTV Footage
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvVIaBqZbZg
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tG0mXLcY5mU
3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2YwhSDTDIA&t=13s
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOp4kEslbfo&list=PLTjZ7n1nVaWHjiFmydz8W3FThx7hGjjx8&index=10
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LttC_1fDN_E
References/ Citations/ Sources
1. https://nypost.com/2019/08/22/video-shows-moment-man-crushed-by-elevator-at-manhattan-promenade-building/
2. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/woman-killed-in-freak-nyc-elevator-accident/
3. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2762524/Crushed-death-elevator-The-shocking-moment-broken-lift-comes-student-got-trapped-floor-door.html
4. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5255891/woman-leg-cut-off-lift-trapped-doors-phone-shanghai/
5. http://beijingcream.com/2013/05/video-of-woman-cut-in-half-by-elevator-is-harrowing/
college student elevator death
student elevator death
elevator deaths 2020
chinese student death
death in elevator
death in elevator Boston
elevator crushes man
elevator accident fall
elevator accident free fall
elevator accident death
elevator accident deaths
graphic elevator
graphic elevator deaths
graphic deaths
top 5 elevator deaths
deaths caught on gopro
near deaths caught on gopro
worst elevator accidents
chinese college student
can someone explain what happened in the first death? like mechanically speaking? the other people in the elevator survived right? so
The last one is just horrific. I know the rest were extremely scary but the horror those people had seeing a headless woman lying on the round. I would probably pass out
The last one gave me chills
I cannot fathom your final seconds of life going from everyday mundane routine to seconds later
Oh shit I'm gonna fall that's embarrassing
Oh my God the elevator doors just closed around my neck and I'm ascending rapidly oh my God!! No Please God
it's gonna cut off my – !
Oh shit
how do you die in an elevator….natural selection.
Where are the safety trip. I heard elevators has more than one safety mechanism if one fails.
i remember a video from china where a persons neck got trapped while the elevator was moving and it was filled with people and he started rising and rising until they got decapitated. and all the people in the elevator had to wait with a corpse.
how to cure your fear of elevators
To be honest, he or she could’ve pulled their leg in before it was snapped. They had time to pull it in. 5:35
Stairs are better but not if you slip or it breaks
Imagine trying to climb out of a moving elevator… why do ppl with money lack common sense the most…
So this channel blurs out the first crush a few times even though we saw it without the blur the first time it was shown
Note to self: avoid elevators in china.
Note to self: avoid china.
Note to self: buy locally made goods.
Note to self: good luck buying anything that’s manufactured or grown locally.
This is why I hate Elevators
How To Get A Fear Of Elevators!
ive always said i "dont do" elevators, this makes me feel justified in my anxieties
The scariest part is that this could happen to anyone, at any given moment.
Block this Channel!!!🇺🇸🇵🇷
At 7:13, that beheading was horrific.
Never use to be blurred out…..now u cant see shit
Oh jesus 😮😮😮😣😣😣
Why are the videos blurred out??? Why was there a warning?
Uh guys this is for adult no kids because it will child abuse
Did that man die in the one one where he was half in the elevator and at the door to
Made in USA …. rubbish quality
think how the guy felt that barley made it out
An estimated 50 people die from elevator-related accidents annually in the United States. These fatalities can include falls due to malfunctioning doors or cages to entrapment between two floors caused by failure of the car's emergency brake system
Elevators "Made in China"
First one doesn’t need to be watched since it’s blurred
This is why I ALWASY take the stairs
So many Chinese ignoring the laws whiel getting rich stealing from the rest of the planet
The clever little chapter titles are in bad taste. Just state their name
the the people who built the elevator did it right the first time they wouldn't be having these multiple insidents. it's common sense.
Yo these were so satisfying to watch 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
When youtube warns u 2 times u know this is fd up
Now I know to make a quick exit
This and the nasty oil in peoples food is just another reason to not go to china
wtf are the names for the chapters