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This Video About Treatments For Injured Cow | Rescue Animals | Animal Rescuing Videos | CEYLON TURTLE TALES
It was a holiday. My friend Charith and I came to town to have our lunch. The moment we left again we saw this bull. We realized that it was a bit awkward. We went a little closer and checked. One of it’s legs was paralyzed. There was also a large wound near the anus. And it’s body was heavily infested with parasites.
The friend asked me if we could treat this animal. I said yes. I left telling my friend to stay there. Because if we both leave, we won’t be able to find the animal. All the pharmacies in our city were closed that day because it was a holiday. I came back to meet the friend. We decided to find medicine somewhere. My friend and I left for another town several miles away. Eventually we came up with a medicines and treated this animal.
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