But Luis yeaa you a Ho for not helping your homie i would of took the fade for his chubbies as win some lose some give 2 fks but ain’t no one a b*tch over here…
Gordis always wearing that 1320 whipple shirt nmms 💀🤣
20:12 he gave the bread to the homie and at 21:28 that homie gave it to the camera guy i believe. Yall held the bread down but the home took the fall..
The clowncamp pulls the same shit when they lose. Its hilarious to me they always acting like the pot is all they have LMAO
Munch straight gave the money to his mans after he got slapped
Bro slapped tf outta him
I’ll take the vid and go get him charged with assault just for sh!ts and giggles, he can get oiled up with Diddy 😂😂
That foo saying it’s weird tell me he’s not yellowjacket. Mother effort is the same way.
Watch him take the video and charge him for assault lmfao 💀🤣
You will post the same race but uncensored so you will give use you’re just lame as Luis and Drake an no pay slic an that skinny cat that got the money grimy kids
Why is everyone saying he’s just a kid 😅
@19:51 “he about to slap the shit outta you Rico” he called it 😂
no way he let bro do him like that nobody must have ever taught him to duck and fight back crazy then his crew sitting there letting him get beat up they not his real friends at all
The losers never want to pay, and his team, had the money, I hope they ban that mustang from all street races
“Bandcamp don’t have enough for my car” lmao that was cold 🥶
That black with the grey beanie took it
Nice try Diddy
dude in gray beanie “so u not going to pay” 😂
Yellow Jacket customer. Makes sense. lmao🤣
The same thing that clown with the zl1 that lost and said “I just want to see that you hit 160.” Bro, u lost. Those clowns never pay. and Luis not backing up his homie on top of telling other dude: “hey I think you won.” Lol… smh
Bro it was more expensive not to pay it would have been cheaper to pay now you look stupid
The mustang was too late on hooking there's no way he had a chance to get one 160 before Corvette it's commen Sense.
Lol. thank for the uncensored version.
That's fucked up,that dude who slap that guy in the face ain't real Street racer a real Street racing would of just said ain't no more Street racing with you …
Munch bouta go home and lay down after that is diabolical work 😂😂
Munch bouta go home and lay down after that is diabolical work 😂😂
😂😂😂 boy to the left lip quivered 😂😂 and dude to the right felt the exhust from the slap😂😂 .. He cracked that mf 😂😅 thats ryt…
Them cameras gonna get somebody prison time,,, here in North Carolina assault by strangulation is a felony
After watching munch get slapped and not one person stepped up and backed him up shows how much people really got you it’s sad
feel bad for munch no one there for him but shi you lost gotta pay
He said he didn’t know who took the go pro off but you can clearly see Luis was the one who took it off and he was acting like he didn’t know
That dude in the dreads with the grey beenie reached in dudes pockets while he was getting choked on the hood, but he had already gave the money to dude with the red zl1. Luis a pussy for not helping his “homie” even if he was wrong bruh. Dont race if you can’t pay.
But Luis yeaa you a Ho for not helping your homie i would of took the fade for his chubbies as win some lose some give 2 fks but ain’t no one a b*tch over here…
Gordis always wearing that 1320 whipple shirt nmms 💀🤣
20:12 he gave the bread to the homie and at 21:28 that homie gave it to the camera guy i believe. Yall held the bread down but the home took the fall..
The clowncamp pulls the same shit when they lose. Its hilarious to me they always acting like the pot is all they have LMAO
Munch straight gave the money to his mans after he got slapped
Bro slapped tf outta him
I’ll take the vid and go get him charged with assault just for sh!ts and giggles, he can get oiled up with Diddy 😂😂
That foo saying it’s weird tell me he’s not yellowjacket. Mother effort is the same way.
Watch him take the video and charge him for assault lmfao 💀🤣
You will post the same race but uncensored so you will give use you’re just lame as Luis and Drake an no pay slic an that skinny cat that got the money grimy kids
Why is everyone saying he’s just a kid 😅
@19:51 “he about to slap the shit outta you Rico” he called it 😂
no way he let bro do him like that nobody must have ever taught him to duck and fight back crazy then his crew sitting there letting him get beat up they not his real friends at all
The losers never want to pay, and his team, had the money, I hope they ban that mustang from all street races
“Bandcamp don’t have enough for my car” lmao that was cold 🥶
That black with the grey beanie took it
Nice try Diddy
dude in gray beanie “so u not going to pay” 😂
Yellow Jacket customer. Makes sense. lmao🤣
The same thing that clown with the zl1 that lost and said “I just want to see that you hit 160.” Bro, u lost. Those clowns never pay. and Luis not backing up his homie on top of telling other dude: “hey I think you won.”
Lol… smh
Bro it was more expensive not to pay it would have been cheaper to pay now you look stupid
The mustang was too late on hooking there's no way he had a chance to get one 160 before Corvette it's commen Sense.
Lol. thank for the uncensored version.
That's fucked up,that dude who slap that guy in the face ain't real Street racer a real Street racing would of just said ain't no more Street racing with you …
Munch bouta go home and lay down after that is diabolical work 😂😂
Munch bouta go home and lay down after that is diabolical work 😂😂
😂😂😂 boy to the left lip quivered 😂😂 and dude to the right felt the exhust from the slap😂😂 .. He cracked that mf 😂😅 thats ryt…
Them cameras gonna get somebody prison time,,, here in North Carolina assault by strangulation is a felony
After watching munch get slapped and not one person stepped up and backed him up shows how much people really got you it’s sad
feel bad for munch no one there for him but shi you lost gotta pay
He said he didn’t know who took the go pro off but you can clearly see Luis was the one who took it off and he was acting like he didn’t know
That dude in the dreads with the grey beenie reached in dudes pockets while he was getting choked on the hood, but he had already gave the money to dude with the red zl1. Luis a pussy for not helping his “homie” even if he was wrong bruh. Dont race if you can’t pay.
Them essays some pussys 🤣🤣🤣