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Father save us from evil ritual and satanism
Thats just man bear pig
😢 father in the name of Jesus Christ protect us from all the evil spirit 😢amen🙏🙏🙏
Now i cannot go tow washroom
“How fake do you want to this to be?”
Did she ride that broom in? 😂this is hilariously bad
Fake, notice the changes on the ground when the figure appears; great prank, though.
I've seen the real disturbing ones.
Mxa ke edit
Oh please, this was staged
This is so not real 😂
That's just so hilariously fake and stupid.. 😂
An average kacha badam song fan 😂😂😂
Moloi just tryna sweep my tiles
Evil Flee in the Name of Jesus!!!
Devils trembling by the name of Jesus
This looks like nigeria. The pavement and those security house
Oh my God, they erased the King. Oh my God. We are in big trouble….
They lost him
The star of Bethlehem
Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.[2]
Why are you lying?
lena le rata digame😂😂🤡🤡
That dogs are angry
Witchcraft is oppression and apartheid and stealing natural resources
and some people are busy celebrating halloween they dont what witch is really like
Not SA. Likely Kenya.
Dogs can tell
I'll just tell the police, what do you do like a witch.
That's a bad curse being perform, protect me from which I've seen on this video ♠️
fake, notice the heavy pixelation artificing around the person.
Im a south afrucan witch like wtf
Bro now I'm scr 😰😣💀💀💀😭
I think it's fake
Ujung2nya….dikejar anjing juga….😅
Really? 🤣🤣🤣
I always find it baffling when people doubt spiritual realities. Like, just how clueless are you to not believe in the existence of the spirit realm ?
Jesus may you be our sheild and protector. The BLOOD OF JESUS over each and every person watching this. Our SHEPARD where we may go to sleep tonight.
Someone asked at 17:00PM why is it so dark? Because it's Africa Big time difference they are 5 hours ahead of the west this happened in Sierra Leone I'm from that country and I talk to my friends from over there everyday and majority of the times when we are up in the west they are sleeping that was not MP it was 5Am in the morning which to us is like 10 11PM at night so nice try people always think just because something doesn't make sense to them so there for it's not true how about maybe you're not using your critical thinking correctly? Or mayne tou just don't really understand whats really going on or why the time is showing 17:00 but its dark do you understand we have 5PM in the afternoon And 5AM in the morning and in this video the time was actually 5Aam in the morning the last hours witches operates before the morning clears or else they'll get caught their witch magic would failed them anytime passed that 😂😂😂😂
That happened in my Country Sierra Leone and yes it is real it was captured in the camera live as is and Sierra is a Big Witchçraft country witches run that country
Namanje basandiza ngomshanelo
lol really? such an old visual effects but i expect no less from an African video
Uploader of this short Vedio is illogical 🤯👉Time 17 and seems night 😜😂