Champ suffered a terrible injury and recovered beautifully! Viewer Discretion Advised.

Champ suffered a terrible injury and recovered beautifully! Viewer Discretion Advised.
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Today’s rescue video is so important to me. My dad (who passed away last year) was injured in a terrible accident when he was 17 years old and spent a whole year in a hospital bed. The doctors told him he would never be able to walk again, but my dad told them, “I will dance!”

Through hard work with physical therapists (67 years ago!), he was able to walk, tie his shoes with just one hand (the other was not functional), have six children, and live a long and healthy life. 😊

Like my dad, Champ also suffered a terrible injury (it’s possible his leg got stuck in a machine, an electrical gate, or maybe he was hit by one of the trains passing in this area).

Rich Lujan, who reached out to Hope For Paws, informed me that after reviewing the security camera footage, he saw Champ at the refinery at 10 PM, walking on all four legs. However, by the time he found him at 5 AM, Champ only had three legs. 😰

I rushed to the location immediately and approached slowly – an injured animal can be dangerous!

Champ, like the champ that he is, allowed me to comfort him, secure him, and get him to CARES.

Our ability to do rescues like this completely depends on your support. If you can, please join us with a $5 recurring donation that will send us on many more rescue missions:

Champ’s behavior throughout his recovery was absolutely amazing and inspiring. According to Google, between 1-2 million people go through amputations every year around the world! It’s a traumatic event, and I hope Champ will inspire through his story and show how recovery and happiness are possible.

Please share this video with family and friends – we all know a veteran who was injured, someone who was seriously injured in an accident, or someone who lost a limb due to sickness.

The amazing team at CARES – an emergency trauma doctor, a board-certified surgeon, a rehab doctor, and, of course, the supportive team of technicians, all worked around the clock to help him fully recover.

The story doesn’t end here – Champ is now looking for a foster home or a loving forever home. Our friends at Maison Sûre who receive our rescue alerts and notified me early in the morning to head to this rescue, will handle his adoption.

To apply to adopt Champ, please visit:

To apply to foster Champ, please click here:

Thank you so much to all our supporters for helping us change his life!



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  1. Although I look away for a second I liked the way you did not censor the extent of his injuries so we (If we wanted ) to see the skill these Vets have . THANK YOU FOR THE SKILL OF THE VETS. THE PERSON WHO MADE THE CALL TO HOPE 4 PAWS. AND A EXTRA BIG FAT JUICY THANK YOU FOR ALL AND WHAT A CHAMP!

  2. At the beginning when that gentleman with the hard hat was just sitting down with Champ and petting him you could just see Champ taking in all that love 🥹❤

  3. Imagine having your leg ground up and torn off and still being pleasant and good natured.
    That is a wonderful dog and I hope you find a wonderful home for him.

  4. Pitbulls were raised to guard children. They are nanny dogs. They do not deserve to be labeled aggressive dogs!! I rescued a pitbull 17 years ago. She's sleeping on the couch right now. ❤❤

  5. Thank you so much for rescuing, helping, and loving sweet Champ. 🐶🙏❤ I'm sure that this sweetheart will be adopted by a kind family, and that family will for sure be very lucky. ❤

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