Karen Fights Police When Kicked From Campground & Gets BF Arrested

Karen Fights Police When Kicked From Campground & Gets BF Arrested
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Body Cam Video Of Karen Fighting Police When Kicked From Campground & Gets BF Arrested
On Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at approximately 8:47 pm, upon entering Oscar Scherer State Park, a park ranger reported an issue with two guests staying at campsite #38 earlier that morning. The ranger mentioned overhearing a couple arguing loudly and using obscenities while inside the bathhouse. He addressed the issue and asked them to lower their noise level. While discussing this with the ranger, the park manager also mentioned that he had investigated a similar noise complaint and spoken with both individuals.
To ensure the noise issue was resolved, a patrol was conducted near the bathhouse. The couple was observed loading a red maroon minivan while continuing to argue loudly and slam objects into the vehicle, causing further disturbance. Upon approaching them and identifying the ongoing noise, a verbal warning was issued, informing them that they had previously been warned by park staff and could be barred from the park if the noise persisted. The woman responded dismissively, expressing no intention of returning to the park, and slammed the car door.
After moving out of view but remaining nearby, the loud noise and argument resumed within five to ten minutes. Park staff was notified, and it was decided to trespass the couple from the park. Assistance was requested from other officers, and both individuals were informed that they were being trespassed for failing to comply with park regulations.
When asked for identification, both subjects initially argued and made disparaging remarks. After being warned of potential arrest, they reluctantly complied. The woman was identified with a valid Florida driver’s license, and the man was identified with a Florida ID card. A warrant check revealed an active warrant for the male individual from Manatee County for violation of child support. The warrant was confirmed, and a request was made for a deputy to transport him.
After serving the trespass notice to the woman and informing her of the one-year ban from the park, an attempt was made to speak with the man about the warrant away from their children. Both individuals argued, but the man eventually cooperated. Once separated, he was detained and placed under arrest without incident. The woman became upset but later calmed down after receiving assistance in the form of gas and beverages for her children, along with information on county assistance programs.
After the man was taken into custody, park staff assisted in cleaning up trash left at the campsite. Copies of the trespass notices were provided to the park manager and retained by the agency. No further action was taken, and the case was turned over to another agency, with the arrest made.

Donny Rapture,POLICE WATCH,cops,bodycam,body camera,police,news law&crime network,code blue cam,police interaction,police officer,crime documentaries,crime documentary,dui,police activity,police videos,POLICE INSIDER,police insider uncut,first amendment audit,1st amendment audit,inside edition,corrupt cops caught on camera,cop,live pd,a&e,law and crime network,crime,law enforcement,donut operator,FWC,Fish And Wildlife,Hunting,Fishing


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About the Author: Donny Rapture


  1. For all you cucks……… trespassing them before asking them and giving them a chance to leave, is a violation of rights. From what ive seen, they weren’t asked to leave???? But you bootlickers go ahead and keep cop sucking

  2. If they were already leaving just let them leave ffs. These cops keep escalating situations with their stupid obsession with trespasses. The whole trespass culture the US has is pathetic. Use those for hobos and such causing repeated issues at stores. Not incidental occurrences at camp sites

  3. Wtf is up with the thumbnail being so heavily edited? I literally only clicked to see if my suspicion was correct and it indeed was. Thats creepy as hell man……ill make sure this channel doesnt get reccomended to me anymore

  4. Hardship and struggle creates empathy and generosity in those who experience it. Clearly many in this comment section haven't experienced either and the stereotype assumptions and judgmental comments are proof of it

  5. From some one thats never been arrested let me give you a key piece of advice that has kept me out of jail. Yes sir/mam and no sir/mam are about the only things you should be saying to the police. It really does surprise me how much bullshit they actually have to deal with.

  6. If you cant afford gas for your car, you cant afford a frivolous lawsuit. And no one will take your case pro bono, because you dont actually have a case. How are your kids any more on the street than they were before? Still living in a van.. they're just not listening to you and your husband scream at each other for a night.
    All of those officers pooling their money together to help them out is WAY above their job duties. I'm sure the anti-co'p people will still have something to say about it though. 🙄
    All that having been said, times are tough, and i understand the frustration. At least she apologized.

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