A power struggle within Mexico’s most violent criminal gang is causing a wave of death and destruction.
More than 60 people have been killed as rival factions battle for control of the Sinaloa cartel.
And bodies are turning up on the streets of the city of Culiacan.
Al Jazeera’s John Holman reports from Culiacan, Mexico.
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#Mexico #SinaloaCartel #ElMayo #IsmaelZambada #ElChapo #JoaquinGuzman #LosChapitos #MexicoCartelWars #DrugCartels #Culiacan #AlJazeeraEnglish
Xochipilli (xochi-flower pilli-child(AZTEC GOD OF DRUGS) once said that "cultivators and bodies of government should yield the benefits of the power of medicine and manipulate to improve economic growth"
Curious to see if this new president does something about it
Some pple think arresting a drug leader doesn't have any significant efftedt cause there L always replace him.well,it throws the org into a state of chaos
Let the Mexican citizens have the right to arms any type of weapons . To defend their local towm and city. While the cartel buy what every assult rifle the want..
AMLoco Narcoprejidente comunista y Liberal
Old man was sick and turn himself in to have his kid released and get better care since he was dying
🍕Los Guzman 🆚 Los Zambada 🤠〽️
This Diddy case makes these people look like Saints
Obrador’s hug partners demonstrating their humanity.
The "Culiacanazo 4" war between some cartels for control and territory.
He's talking like his rights were violated when he got kidnapped, the minute you become a drug lord you shouldnt have any rights, and nobody feels sorry you got kidnapped
Nada es coincidencia!
WE had a HUGE Electoral Fraud. Claudia didn't win presidential elections. She was appointed by AIPAC. Narco-presidenta liberal/marxista Claudia.
1326 Tyra Neck
They just voted for a narco party, their leader and current president went to hug and kiss chapo's mother. After 6 years in power, they blame the spanish goverment of the 1800s, the USA, a president that ruled in early 2000s.
Insecurity has already spread throughout the border and many states of the Mexican Republic. The dispute over the territories has already been confirmed. This is at the hands of the "allies" derived from the new drug war in Sinaloa.. We are going back to the times of 2009 – 2013, only this time they have different names for their criminal organizations. What is happening in Mexico??
Is it getting out of hand??
Do the Cartels outnumber their Soldiers in massive numbers?
At this rate, could the UN and the USA intervene?
And will this cost them dearly? Since they could lose another territorial line for lack of guaranteeing international security..???
In November, there are elections. The time is short!
In my opinion, Mexico should give up all the states on the other side of the border!
And so the USA can form a new impenetrable border on solid ground!
To guarantee international security!!
And stop the trafficking of arms, people, drugs, etc.
Especially Fetanyl!!!
There is no other solution!!! And I know that our President Dunald J Trump could declare the Mexican cartels as "Narcoterrorists" .. Being that in the United Nations Peace Treaty, it grants the right of invader to those who threaten international security and war crimes against their own people.
God bless AMERICA, and God bless the Trump family, our president, and all the citizens of the continent!
What is happening in Mexico?
And so we want to be the host of the 2026 World Cup?
recoje tomates sinaloenses:
Viva El Cartel de Miami !! !!
menchitoz y chapitos, primaria trunca… 😆😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
tenemos a mejico de rodillas.
la reforma al poder judicial mejicano va! En Miami somos intocables.
Todo el $dinero$ de los presuntos cartelitos mejicanos.. Nos lo traen a Miami.
AMLO tiene órdenes d eregalarle milles de barriles de petroleo mejicano a Cuba.