Inside the ‘groundbreaking’ pager and radio explosions targeting Hezbollah

Inside the 'groundbreaking' pager and radio explosions targeting Hezbollah
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At least 20 people were killed and more than 450 were injured after walkie-talkies detonated in Lebanon, according to officials, a day after a wave of pager explosions killed at least 12 people and injured more than 2,800. Catch up on CNN’s coverage:

00:01 CNN’s Ben Wedeman reports from Beirut, Lebanon, on the attacks.

04:25 CNN’s Jake Tapper discusses the implications of the attack with CNN Chief law enforcement and intelligence analyst John Miller.

07:21 CNN’s Julia Chatterly breaks down the US reaction to the attack with Firas Masked, senior director for strategic outreach at the Middle East Institute.

12:33 CNN’s Brian Todd dives into Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency that partnered with the IDF on the attacks, according to CNN sources.

16:06 CNN’s Jim Sciutto discusses the broader implications of the attacks with Fawaz Gerges, professor of international relations at LSE, and Matthew Levitt, director of the Reinhard Program on counterterrorism and intelligence at the Washington Institute.

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  1. Jake Tapper should sell Mossad baseball cards. The pathetic comments are are fitting to the mindlessness of all this … Blinken's diplomatic efforts to subject his own gov to full Israeli control. CNN's cheering squad of bribed sports commentators. If the explosives were carried in the batteries … every IPhone?Andoid carried is compromised everywhere. All to keep the Netanyahu out of jail. If Blinken is not Mossad, he is not the monied biz Genious he pretends. The cheering for assassination is untoward. "Operation wrath of god." Spare me. Now this is called "counter terrorism …" This terrorism that is making things worse."

  2. Both sides are terrorists, it rough on the innocent men women and children on both sides.. Make no mistake YeHoVaH will judge righteously………I SAY WOE TO THE ONES THAT CAUSE THE OFFENCE.

  3. Israel sends bombs into a populated area without any way of controlling where they go. Then they detonate them. I find it hard to imagine anything more irresponsible. Kids were killed and it was foreseeable and avoidable

  4. “Groundbreaking” is a term that we’re using for illegal acts of terrorism committed by fascist rogue states? Seriously? You guys really need to check yourselves.

  5. So sick of Jew – Hatred . Christians (like me) are highly aware of the Evil done by Christians to Jews for many centuries before the full horror of the Nazi extermination 'pogrom/program' . Israel gave back the Sainai to Egypt . Pulled it's Settlers in Gaza out , with much teeth – gnashing by the settlers in 2005 . How were they paid back ? 10/7/2023 . Designed and Paid by (Shia) Iran to stop (Sunni) Saudi Arabia from giving a Measure of recognition/legitimatimacy to Israel . Do Other Arabs and Muslims actually feel Good about this horror ? I doubt it .

  6. Israel went to Great lengths to Target only the wicked . I feel very sad for the children who died , and probably several precious children who have been Maimed . If you hate Israelis , 1/5 of their Citizens are Arabs ,(some Christians , mostly Muslims) . Do you hate them , too , or Just Jews ??

  7. Some (maybe just a Few Million of us) AMERICANS DO NOT have the memory of a G.D. fruitfly . October 1983 is as fresh as 2023 . 241 United States Marines and Many French soldiers/paratroopers Murdered by Hezbollah . Don't know the # Maimed . Are Americans or the French supposed to feel Sorry for 1983 Hezbollah's Sons and other family members , who have continued the Family Trade ?? Actually Making a Living out of their Family Business ?? : Murder , Inc ./Murderers R US ! I Do Not rejoice in ANYONE'S Suffering . But i also will Not Weep for evil-doers.

  8. What about the attack is “unprecedented” ??? Hezbollah has been sending rockets daily for 11 MONTHS? So terrorists are allowed to do that , aiming at civilian areas- but Israel can’t target the terrorist sending those rockets? Yall are modern age n*zis. Always blame the Jews.

  9. Originally Christian, Lebanon was TRASHED by the Islamist Hezbollah (a proxy of Iran) who is intent on conquering and subjugating everyone to a barbaric version of Islam.
    The IDF/Israel is paying the ultimate price to save the civilized world from this deadly poison.

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