The strange sounds came from the staircase area and I did not think it would be this serious. I have never seen the ghost move toward me before and this really freaked me out. The EVP’s on the tape are very interesting and I think that this demon is coming closer to our world from the paranormal spirit world. I think things are going to get very very very bad.
Wow it’s so dark here in his house and he was not alone in the dark at the living room and the hole house is still creepy
Bro I used to be so young watching these videos late at night getting scared but watching this now makes me think “How can anyone believe this?” As if I didn’t believe in it 😭
This is all fake , made up to get engagement on the video
This video scared the crap out of me as a kid..
This absolutely frightened me back in the day.
I used to enjoy watching these as a kid.. good time 😂
These videos used to scare the shit out of me when I was a kid
mark I read this Madeline died bottom of the stairs broken neck she was pushed by Henry
Solve et coagula: dissolve and coagulate alchemist saying the Latin expression solve et coagula is derived from solve meaning to break down and separate while coagula describes the process of bringing elements back together (coagulating) into a new higher form interestingly solve et coagula is a brilliant psychological metaphor.
There's something I want you to read in the doll
I need you to get rid of the people that keep on teasing me please use force if you have to
These people they keep abusing me I need lamashtu to get them for me please
I remember watching this guy all the time
Man I loved these as a little girl
Canada🇨🇦 1:36
I remember watching these videos all of the time! I remember getting so scared.
Well seems fake
Your Daughter is a cutie pie
I think fake because if He's scared than why waked up and staying there's if not scared than why move the camera from that bitch that's his family members not any ghost this man just make money by watching video more people's