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About the Author: Claw Quest


  1. In Indonesia, yeti is called genderuwo. He's big, full of furs, have big teeths and the colour is black or brown 🗿 he'is not kind of animal or human, but he's kind of ghost

  2. For those who dont know: a yeti is a mythical beast thea resembles bigfoot bigfoot is a giant sasqach that is also a mythical creature but the yeti looks like Bigfoot but white and it's really not a ape

  3. #1) Secure Some Very Well Trained, Trustworthy And Well Armed Friends!
    #2) Grab A Few Slabs Of Bacon Three Or More The Better!
    #3) Aquire And Utilize Some H.D. 9 Mil, Or Better Gloves To Prepare The Bacon Slabs And Create Three, Or More Seperate Cooking Fires For Bacon To Lure In Said Abomination Beasts Of Burden!
    #4) Ensure To Safely And Strategically Setup Your Trustworthy Friends Fields Of Fire To Prevent Friendly Fire, Any Possible Mayhem Of Fear And Panic!
    #5) Ensuring Redundant Practice, Record All Senerios, Any And All Safety Precautions And Plans Of Emergency Egresses, Etc!
    #6) Setup In Your Planned Safety Locations, An Hour, Or So Before First Light, Commence Your Slow Cook-Off Of Bacon Grilling, Ensuring You And Yours Are Free Of The Any Smoke, Or Bacon Cooking Smells, On Your Persons By Burning Your Gloves In The Fire, Y'alls Are Upwind, And Ready For Any Mayhem, Etc!
    #7) Lay In Wait For Insuing Memories Of Excitement, Fear And Insanity To Arrive!
    Pa-Pow, Amen!
    😎 🙉🙈🙊 🇺🇸

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