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I sooooo wish Vivek was still running! He's so smart.
The left is going to cheat hard..harder then 2020. They know they're in HOT water..
Love this. Keep up the great activism Charlie. History will remember your efforts sir.
I didn’t realize how many girls got on the mic 🎤
There was a time when people wanted to be a doctor, teacher, police officer, singer etc but it’s so disgusting to see that in today’s world they want to be trans 🤯🤢
18:11 prime example of when you debate a leftist or Democrat… pathetic lol
Amazing how someone says they were put on the spot… yet they chose to walk up and provide no evidence besides her feelings lol
What a bunch of university dumbheads…. this is the reason why us citizens are dumb all over…
18:25 Dumbest Question You have fielded to date.
they really need to change the voting age to 21 lmao
6:50 “free diddyyyy”
I wonder what point the bearded guy was trying to make. He asked what conservatives have managed to conserve, but that's conflating the conservative political side, which is a political party who seeks to promote ideals and values that are typically regarded as traditional, with literally safeguarding the already existing, so maybe conservationism. Then he mentioned the Overton window, which is the concept of the range of acceptable policies within a population, or, in the way he used it, the spectrum of policies from the far left to the far right, and said it's shifting left so conservatives are failing. The problem is that people globally are becoming more liberal as generations pass so that obviously has nothing to do with American politics and, if it did, painting conservatives as the last line of defense between traditional morals and the liberal left makes the left sound like loons that want to destroy everything conservatives can't save. Which is also nonsense. It was well articulated but the question was nonsensical on its face.
what's the creature at 27:50 ?
Hey its whats her name , @0:01❤😂
The abortion topic is the one and only topic I disagree with the Republicans on. I think it should be illegal past 13 weeks without a doubt. But I do appreciate that Trump is leaving it up to the state to determine the law on it. Everything else I’m 100% on board with all their views. I didn’t use to consider myself a republican but Trump came along in 2016 and that changed everything for me. I was young an didn’t pay much attention to it. But he made me get educated on politics and now I strongly consider myself a republican.
8:05 get this girl a belt
The idea of someone in New York City getting to decide what’s best for someone in Wyoming is preposterous. Have you even been there? These are truly the most beautiful states in the country. When you look at how these folks live you’d probably say, yeah, I probably don’t know what’s best for them. I didn’t have a bear on my porch this morning..
42:00 – yeah, Afghanistan was going pretty well for the 12 years the republicans were in there. Who are these people, and where are they coming from? More service people died in Afghanistan under Trump than under Biden with the withdrawal. Look it up – such a disgrace the Trump apologists make a political football out of deaths falling out of this Republican adventurism.
Julia, slavery STILL exists lol. So currently we have slavery AND abortion:)
42:22 Bro, you cant help the rest of the neighborhood when your house is on fire.
@ 28:30 – wow, an actual question that has some repercussion that can be solved politically. Well done. Vivek's response – we don't want cities in California and New York leading the entire united states. Not well done. One person, one vote. The college eliminates millions of votes one way or the other every election cycle. Eliminating it would force campaigns to issue an American message, not just promise to build a plant in Michigan or fix the plumbing in Allentown, which isn't what a president can promise anyway. @31:00 – it doesn't just help Republicans cuz Hawaii. Get real – every red state without a major city gets a representational bump by the college. That's about 20.
38:43 the irony of the guy who wants America to be "world police" has a gut, man boobs, and wears glasses. Even if he had the balls to serve in the military he wouldn't be fit for service. He just wants other people to die on behalf of his ideological agenda.
That young girl was hard to listen to. Props to them for remaining calm and letting her squawk.
The left: “You put up edited content.”
Charlie: “We actually don’t edit out content.”
Charlie proceeds to censor a nipple slip
The left: “What a liar.”