We’ve partnered with Puppy Chow to bring you this video documenting a few of the more “aw”-worthy firsts in a puppy’s life. Check out the full article here: http://huff.to/1GRYyln
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Stop the golden retriever is too funny 🤣😭
0:44 not you
Bro we need more content like this today
0:33 best cutest part 😂
0:33 best cutest part😂
they are dead now
glad people here are still watching youtube for it's actual purpose
fofimnho uwu
Other dogs to bunny: me like
My small adorable weenie dog: brutally separates their organs and lungs
Ah yes, the baby animal species too: human
so cute 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
i love how the biggest one was intimidated by a frog
God the two kids man that was adorable
when I thought it couldn't get any more adorable, the babies showed up
These animals are dead and the puppies are old
this is what i NEEDED
“Puppys meet baby animals”
Also them: show human babies”
Me:lmao 🤣
0:33 Best part ❤️
i come to this video when im sad
What is with YouTube and recommending things 9 years later??
They all are cute
Heheheh the kids are lovely but don't call them animals😂❤
Why Youtube, why you thought it was a good idea reccomend me this 9. YEARS. LATE
This is so cute
0:50 Baby Animals 😅
I’m pretty sure the rabbits, frog, and turtle are adults. Doesn’t make it any less adorable though!
The algorithm finally knows me well
30 seconds in, already 3 adult animals. Seriously, WTF kind of education did the uploader get, if they think that TOAD was an adult?
Omg i'm gonna cry