Here are some of the cutest wild animals ever rescued — wait for the little owl!
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Check out Bat World Sanctuary here: http://thedo.do/batworld, and check them out on Facebook: http://thedo.do/batworldsanctuary.
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For the love of animals. Pass it on.
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GeriBATric ward is so clever ❤, but omg 33? And they look like pups too! ❤😮
They are so beautiful ❤. I've found various caterpillars in my little Oakland dirt patch , made a homes for them and, watch them grow into moths and butterflies. It's been magical watching them emerge and learn what they are. So far 3 out of the 6 come back and lay their eggs. I feel very lucky being able to share them with my neighbors. Some of them have never seen a real butterfly. It's a joy to have the kids help me release them
It’s an amazing planet we live on. I think we forget that too often
the moth pumps lymph into its wings when it vibrates them, beautiful animals
Omg my absolute nightmare
disney princess song in the background fits
Anything that flies moves faster then me weaves a web slithers about, I am outta there. Otherwise, love nature truly fascinating, magical, mysterious.
Choohaa literally means a male mouse in hindi language 😂😂 and Choohee is for a female but anyway she's adorable 🥰🥰
I once found a pidgeon Completely tangled in a lot of yarn, in a bush.. I was about 10 x> I did manage to untangle it and it flew away~
Made me think of Charlotte's Web🥹💝
My bearded dragon would’ve LOVED to meet those caterpillars 🐛lol
Kudos to that man who rescued an owl in distress and was able to bring it home to care for it. What I can’t get is how the owl didn’t hurt him as soon as he got a chance. It totally understood that it needed to be calm and to trust him. Animals are much smarter and understand more than we give them credit for. This needs to be looked at deeper so we can understand more about the connection between us, the animals and the planet ❤️
Wow a lot of people are suffering in the world, these comments show a lot of pain. This is a sweet story! Thanks for sharing, beautiful moth!! 🤩
Bats 🦇 remind me of dogs
Rest in peace Statler – 1987-2021
Videos like this restore my faith in humanity especially when I've had a bad day. God bless everyone.
Barn Owl 💓💓💓💓💓💓
Statdler 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍