After nearly ten years of running this channel, I have seen the same questions over and over again. Today I’m answering 120 of the most frequently asked questions I’ve seen about the prequel Star Wars Trilogy!
0:00 The Phantom Menace
31:29 Attack of the Clones
1:01:50 Revenge of the Sith
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If you go watch the final episodes of when Tano left the order Anakin literally says he understands why she left the order when she was offered to come back after she was accused of something. Mace went against a proper trial that Anakin felt was needed all while Anakin already had doubts on the Jedi order and fair trials concerning his own padawan. So, Anakin watching Mace pull that stunt on Palpatine was the breaking point he felt where the order failed the Jedi. Palpatine would have known about Anakin letting Tano leave the order. So yeah, that was a trick. And it is just a matter of time now until there is a live action explanation of Plagues being killed. The one thing the Acolyte did do is give a live action Plagues.
I will never not be mad about Order 66 being changed to mind control rather than an actual military code and the clones being predisposed to following orders. The commando books explaining that Order 66 was a contingency against the Jedi trying to take over the republic and Palpatine ACTUALLY BEING ATTACKED BY THE JEDI without any evidence or procedure and then him using that as the catalyst for converting to an Empire meshed so well.
Good morning America
When I first heard Yoda say, “always there are two Master and Apprentice” I never assumed it meant there are only ever two Sith in the Galaxy. It wasn’t until that was introduced later I ever considered that possibility
Love this Vid Alex and Mollie! 💙✨
Awesome stuff!
Main takeaway should be that Star Wars is very silly and they make up a lot of it as they go along
Mamajama Alabama!
The acolyte mentioned
Disney star wars fans are a cancer
It looks like I'm still going to have to wait for the answer as to how Anakin really did blew up the Death Star. Ah well.
Where can you watch the 1977 video of George Lucas explaining the concepts that Alex referenced in explaining 3PO's origins?
LOL @ actor with tiny part demanding the full script of AOTC or else he won't grace STAR WARS with his presence. What an idiot.
such a great movie… got to see it’s midnight opening in Sydney. It’s appearance in the Star Wars Lego games made me love it even more than I did already
30:18 he did know, because he calls darth bane the creator of the rule of two in tcw.
Yoda knew in tpm because George had a different idea for what the sith's ancient past looked like. according to george, there were always only ever two sith as far back as history remembers essentially. bane is probably the oldest known sith in lucas' canon.
Ha! A one hour Star Wars Explained video about the Prequel Trilogy! Today's a good day.
Yay! a new Star Wars Explained video! 😀
Sequels next?
Fun fact: If IG-88 succeeded in his hidden plans of Droid Revolution by his AI hacking the Death Star and his other duplicates seizing factories from the clone wars era, then A droid conflict against all organic life similar to either Skynet / Legion or The Blue Knight's Robot Revolution from Astroboy could of actually happen. This was prevented when they were destroyed Indirectly by the Rebels during and after the battle of Endor.