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About the Author: Admin


  1. I dont know where this fairytale comes from that chimps are multiple times stronger then human when they clearly are not. The average chimp is only 30% stronger then the average human male

  2. Scientists have not yet identified a definitive "peak" of the human mind, as the brain is incredibly complex and still not fully understood.

  3. Mind: Einstein
    Power:bruce lee/muhammed ali
    Peak human can beat chimp
    No one knows what human mind are capable of, people just say things like they know
    Peak human mind can do grazy things with grazy ideas
    But chimp is a chimp
    Till today human mind is unknown limit

  4. I think people overestimate and underestimate chimps at the same time.

    Here's the thing, a prime human IS stronger than an average chimpanzee. Objectively speaking. And it is not up for debate.

    But what chimps have is 1. sharp teeth and a strong bite force. 2. Immense speed. And most importantly 3. Unrelenting violence and tenacity.

    The issue with this comparison is that chimpanzee's do not fight like us. A chimp will jump on you, tear you up, bite your face apart, bite your fingers off, and savagely, brutally try its absolute best to hurt you as much as it possibly can with all of its force. Angry chimps have no concept of dignity or restraint, they will just hurt you. And very, very few humans are prepared for such a level of brutality as we're not used to it.

    Very few people short of prime Mike Tyson I'd trust my money on against a chimpanzee.

  5. “The average chimp can run at 25mph “ the problem is there endurance is fuckin ass ,give em like 10-20 seconds these mofos gonna get tired

  6. why are people overrestimatimg the living hell out of chimps here lol, they aren't that strong. their huge fangs, biteforce, & savagery is what makes them dangerous.

  7. Peak human wins studied by biologists chimps are only 1.35 or 1.5x the average human peak human would win human takes running endurance overall endurance to take hits it depends but prob human speed human bc usain bolt aint even peak human and hes already faster than a chimp bite force human teeth chimpanzee iq human dexterity human (just forget the running endurance one just do the hit endurance one lol since i just realised dexterity exists LOL) stamina which is basically dexterity human peak human would destroy all strongmen etc u have no idea how strong peak human is especially when we have guns nukes gas bombs tanks etc we are the top of the foodchain if we increased our body to peak we will be insanely strong obv not gorilla lvl strength tho but that doesnt matter bc yk guns etc lol low-mid- very low chance to be high diff but maybe so ill go with PEAK HUMAN WINS MID DIFF

  8. Chimps are not strong animals at all. I'm glad to see this myth finally dying out. Being 1.35x stronger than "average human" is not strong at all. Being P4P strong is not strong most of the time. P4P is always just cope.

  9. durability id say goes to chimps. if u read the story of that chimp who ripped that womans face off, he was shot and beaten multiple times and he still didnt stop until he thought the job was done

  10. ok, here we go, peak humans vs peak chimps :

    strength: the strongest chimpanzee has managed to carry 571 kilos, ahead of the strongest human who carried 500 kilos

    durability: chimpanzees fight for territory and fight for longer than us with bite forces greater than our punches (even a 500 kilo punch)

    speed and agility: chimpanzees, same reason as the video

    weight and size: human, same reason as in the video

    intellect and skills: human, same reason as the video

    endurance: chimpanzees are more durable in a fight, this is because their hormones are activated much more easily than ours.

    stamina: humans have much more stamina feats

    reaction speed: chimpanzees have a much higher reaction speed than humans

    Winner: Chimpanzee Peak wins, because he could not only dodge, but attack faster, in addition to biting vital points that he usually attacks, such as the arm to disarm or the neck.

  11. A peak human is stronger since a chimp is actually only 1.7 for males 1.3 for females times stronger than a human male while strong men are around 4.2 times stronger they are just aggressive

  12. People act like chimpanzees are unstoppable monsters, they’re really not. If you’re a highly skilled mixed martial artist, then you can likely take one out. Gorillas though……that’s another story 😭.

  13. Why are people getting offended that a chimp can absolutely demolish an average sedentary human like themselves in hand-to-hand combat.

  14. Let's not forget that he's talking about maximum potential, something like lifting 600 kilos or more, running almost 60 kilometers, extraordinary agility, intelligence, and combat, we're not talking about a normal human. We are talking about someone capable of killing a lion.

  15. Coño ésto no vale.

    Si me pones al máximo Humano me tienes que poner al máximo Chimpancé.
    Pongamelo contra un Billi y no te aguantan un raund.

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