TOTAL IDIOTS AT WORK Instant Regret Fails Best Fails of the Week #Shorts 18
Welcome to our channel featuring the “CME – Total idiots at work” ! Our channel is dedicated to sharing moments of joy and laughter in life include: Total idiot at work, instant regret 2024, fails of the week,… We sincerely hope that you can support us and experience the happiness and positivity that we strive to bring to each and every one of you. Your love and encouragement means the world to us. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Don’t miss the hilarity that awaits with Total idiot at work!
00:42 Total idiot at work in every where
04:36 He is exactly an idiot in this situation
06:30 She is a really lovable idiot in this job.
08:40 I wish I was such an idiot
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