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Read Ana Christina’s Book – My Sweet Encounter with Death
👉 https://amzn.to/42s3yPP
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Ana Christina is a Chief Financial Officer of a large nonprofit agency that tends to the broken and less fortunate population in California. She had a near-death experience 14 years ago. She is the author of “My Sweet Encounter with Death,” which she dedicates to all the souls who have been murdered by a loved one and whose voices were never heard.
Ana has been applying her executive and financial experience to help nurture non-profit organizations. She is a gifted speaker on Near Death Experiences who reach audiences nationwide and around the world in person and through television and radio broadcasts.
Please enjoy my conversation with Ana Christina.
0:00 – Episode Teaser
0:47 – Life prior to NDE
9:16 – NDE Story
1:12:43 – A letter from the doctor
1:16:26 – The effects of NDE coming back
1:25:32 – Living a good life
1:28:39 – Advice to young Ana
1:30:35 – Definition of God
1:31:46 – Ultimate purpose of life
1:33:12 – Ana’s work
1:34:21 – Final Message
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The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Next Level Soul, its subsidiaries, or any entities they represent.
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Watch This FREE NDE Course: Discover The Transformative Power Of Near-Death Experiences
👉 https://nextlevelsoul.com/nde-free-course
Someone close to my man passed on in 2023. This somehow gave me reassurance that she passed on knowing how we would handle it.. She knew how each of us would survive.
Thank you from the UK 🙏💜🌈
I watch this story so again and again because it touches my heart may God bless to continue share her story
You are so courageous . I love Jesus. But I have been griped by every words you have said. Love is the strongest energy in the whole universe. Live Love. ❤❤❤❤
Ontzettend bedankt voor deze PC
Wat een intens heftig verhaal. prachtige les over liefde en vertrouwen en vooral dankbaarheid en dat vergeving onszelf vrijmaakt.
De boodschap god is volledige liefde❤❣️
This was horrific. I am happy this is our temporary journey on Earth
"Holy Spirit" eh? Lol
Fascinating story!! This poor lady!! All that she went through!!! Jesus is always close to those who love Him though He loves us all! I’ve experienced Him and have seen Him too in dreams and visions. His peace and love is AMAZING!!!! Alex you are so precious! You always make me laugh/smile with your words and sweet disposition 😊
Przez niedługi czas, i akurat miałam to szczęście, był cały wywiad z Ana z lektorem w języku polskim ( już jest niedostępny);
słuchałam chyba 15 razy , za każdym razem inne duchowe znaki do mnie trafiały ❤
Jakie to piękne, że Duch Święty zwraca na siebie uwagę i Jest obecny, nie opuszcza….gdy dzieje się tragedia, ból…" To chwilowa niedogodność, to minie" pociesza❤❤
I tak w życiu ufajmy,
Jakby nie było ciężko, " to chwilowa niedogodność, to minie.."
Piękne świadectwo, Wiara czyni cuda, Bóg jest Wrzechmocny❤
Żal mi, że nie znam języka angielskiego, ale cóż, jestem szczęśliwa, że trafiłam na chwilowe świadectwo tłumaczone.❤
God bless yall both. She is so sweet ❤ I'm so sorry for what that jack@ss did to her.
Im so grateful for being bilingual that I can understand your show. Incredible story of survival. 💗 Thank you for sharing
God love her thankyou ❤️
She’s so beautiful
Que lindo 🎉❤🎉
Why is she always referring to Egypt as being in Asia. Egypt is an African country that is close to the Middle East, but far from Asia….
She seems very familiar to me. Amazing person
One theme that keeps coming back over and over is how naive religious people are. It's unbelievable how naive this lady was – divorced but still sleeping in the same bed ? I don't get that at all. Very tempting to say more but will leave it there.
to all who read this, and all who don't…sending you infinite peace, perfect health, abundant wealth, joyous freedom, and unconditional love…
Of all the videos I have watched in this channel, this one made me want to cry and laugh at the same time….Thank you very much for sharing your story.❤❤❤
Damn that Muslim tutor wanted you since you were young😂