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About the Author: Lila Lossi


  1. Yes, like the second girl said
    Please younger teens and younger, do not play with it!
    I’m sorry, but you guys don’t have common sense like we did grown up. We knew when to stop and we knew what to do.
    Please just take our advice !

  2. I do not recomend using one, Toy R Us sold them, when i worked there, they would fall off the shelves, and a few of us used one and its not a coincidence the answers, hell no

  3. Do not mess with ouji boards they are the devils work and open the doors to demons…read your binle, pray and repent…Jesus forgives us our sins the devil lies and tricks you!!

  4. 3:50 i cannot take people who look like her serious. Not to be mean or hate but she seems fake from her looks and superficial. Not to mention she didn't even elaborate on the meat of the story regarding what happens over the years to indicate the 'door' was never closed except "nightmare fuel" 😒 like wtf . She annoyed me. She totally didn't understand the assignment.
    I'm tryna hear some scary shit and she basically tryna promote her OF .

  5. Can easily say ouija board ruined my life. What came through hung around me for DECADES and caused so much suffering for me. It was my friend's dad who exposed me to it and he should have known better but that's what happens when people have no guidance. They should be banned, I'm serious. They are extremely dangerous and lead to demonic interference at best and possession at worst. STAY AWAY and get yourself a prayer practice of any kind.

  6. I used to be in a witch coven and me and my girlfriends in high school that played it got horrible experiences we were five girls we would go to the graveyard and take candles and play it three of my friends years later died of weird accidents two died after getting in a car accident after that happened I got attacked to by a demon he was a incubus very handsome half man half demon he tried to seduce me when I was a young girl and a virgin that demon tried to seduce me It followed me around my home my parents weren't home I was sixteen years old I had to pray to God all night and slept in my parents room with my bible opened he didn't take me because I fought him I'm the only surviver of the girls and my bestfriend she died about 15 years ago of a rare blood disease I had to get my mom to get me to a priest in our church I wanted an exorcist done and the priest didn't do a full one on me I was just thrown holy water he came to my parents home blessed our home and threw holy water he prayed for me and told me to get rid of the quigui board I did immediately after that our home got to feeling normal and before I got that exorcist done I felt sick angry and nauseous and scared and I sweated alot I never really sweat unless I would go running or excerzise please whatever you do don't play with the quika board never even touch it that thing is possessed by Satan himself and from time and time I still get that incubus being sent by Satan through different random men to sudice me I'm a changed woman and older now and a Christian to I don't want any part of this I wish I never played with that board with my best friend I feel if we didn't me and her would still be alive but it's only me alive and I sure miss her.

  7. Um that one story about how the ouija began makes no sense….unless I missed something because during the civil war cars were not even invented yet!!! Hence people please please please don’t believe anything you see on the internet unless you verify verify verify

  8. The Ouija NEVER wanted to play with me. We ask and it said Yes to Everyone , Except me. And I see it as a Protection. I always be protected by God, Amen.

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