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About the Author: Jemale Michal


  1. He's there bidens not say what you want about him he was still a better president then Biden. The country was better and all Biden has accomplished is to turn us all against one another in order to keep us to occupied to come after him. My opinion is neither one really should be president but trump is the lesser of two evils. Quite honestly it's time to disband the government and rebuild from the ground up because weather your right or left you are still part of the problem and the problem is that the dollar will always be worth more then it's citizens period. And if I offended you then good. People need to quit being such cry babies and use the energy they burn running their mouth online to actually get off their ass and inact the change they believe we need. Quit being so woke your asleep think for your self. Open your eyes and see that the only people that benefit from all this drama is the government. If you think they are so "for the people" then go ahead try to approach one and have a conversation over you won't get the time of day matter of fact they would probably have security remove you because they don't care about us . Ultimately God is in charge and these other ass clowns on both sides are trying to distract you from that. The world is a dark place so pull your heads out of your asses arguing about some petty ass video that isn't important when there is real serious shit going on daily and the government don't have our back so we have to have each other's or we can kiss everything we no and love good bye. All of you spreading hate I pray for you I truly do because that hatred was forced upon you. Everyone have a blessed evening

  2. This was hilarious…but lets also remember the pr governors horded the ship supplies from the slw brained pr,s who voted them back into office on that sh island….if they dont care neither doesxanybody else

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