Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is slamming “Saturday Night Live” for making jokes about the assassination attempt on his life. In a statement, the Trump campaign called the sketch “disgusting.” “Saturday Night Live” brought back Maya Rudolph, Andy Samberg and Dana Carvey for their season opener. Meanwhile, Donald Trump is under fire for ratcheting up his personal attacks on Vice President Kamala Harris.
Joking about two presidential assassination attempts. Only the most useless generation would find it funny.
Lewis William Clark Jeffrey Martin Betty
Allen Sharon Lewis Donald Thomas Charles
A poll found that a third of democrats think we would have been better off if Trump had died, yeah, these aren't jokes.
Go away Shady Vance.
Saturday day night lives sucks . They not funny
Gonzalez Margaret Harris Margaret White Margaret
isn't the right in favor of comedy and against censorship? Trump can make fun of handicapped people but a comedy show can't make fun of you? I smell hypocrisy.
You know what made it funny? When Trump wore massive ear gauze to get sympathy votes. Ridiculous.
Bottom line. Chump is the biggest joke in the world.
I love trump but I thought this was hilarious
Clark Betty Robinson Mary Johnson Joseph
Boooo hooo hooo. Poooor. Donny.
A man died protecting his family at Trumpa rally. These ppl r gross
Imagine joking about an attempted murder on someone where an innocent man died, no shame, hollyweird have been sussed, pedos
Trumpy obviously has no sense of humor
FSNL, never watch that garbage,
NOT bullying.
Love You TRUMP , ❤ VOTE RED ! it’s seems the left have a double standard regarding everything , even jokes , they can always dish it out but they can’t take it ! Thats my TRUTHFUL opinion !! I’m sure everyone agrees. And if you don’t, tuff 💩, take your own medicine !
There is a woman out there that does a real spot on Kamala
Poor baby
LOVE DJT!! your disabled person in crowd was "acting" .. that's why DJT makes fun of "fakes" . He knows you people well.. you pretend and get sympathy for votes.
I'm sure that that father that was protecting his family that died. They didn't think it was funny
The only thing that isn't funny is they missed,
Martin Anthony Robinson Michelle Lewis Edward
Trump is the king of insensitive comments. Funny how he can’t take it himself.
Trump needs to chill, especially after all the conservatives saying comedy needs to be outside the jurisdiction of cancel culture.If you dish it then take it too.