Hello everyone and welcome back to Scary Interesting. In this video, we’re going to go Two incredibly creepy and confusing cases of someone’s tragic end. In each case, there is one specific element that seems flat out impossible, and yet according to the people involved, these disturbing things actually occurred. As always, viewer discretion is advised.
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Attributions/Special Thanks for Photographs:
Jez, Chris & Mayet Palacio, Liz West, David Saddler, Civilian Scrabble, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Norfolk District, Marcello Casal Jr/ABr, Jason Lawrence
This video contains light dramatic reenactment but no actual footage or pictures of anyone being harmed or who has been harmed. The thumbnail is NOT a real image.
Writing and research by Jay Adams
And a huge thank you to the Scary Interesting team of writers, editors, captioners, and everyone else who make this channel possible.
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8:00 что вы хотите, это Африка, врачи и засунули их туда чтобы избавиться от тел после врачебных ошибок, скажите спасибо что не съели, и не продали на органы?!😵😟
Who is going to notice a shoe on the side of the road tf
Just found this guy today and his voice sounds like it’s in my head. I hate it what is happening.
Its possible she had internal injuries and just did not die right away, and with the crazy high heat and cold nights it’s possible that they got her time of death wrong. It’s possible the child went up for help, got cold or scared, and went back to the car for security, leaving a shoe behind, children dont notice or care that their shoes come off aa toddlers
Suggestion don’t put pretend ghosts in your stories it is just disgusting. 🤢
OrGaN HaRvEsTiNg!!!!!!😢
Has to be the first one right!?!?!?!?!?!
This drives me NUTS!!
I think there was an angelic presence that made itself known in the last case
The first case reminds me of Elizabeth Wettlaufer.
That African hospital loses patients like they lose their keys.
Could the hospital be organ harvesting
hello Scary Interesting I have a good idea that I think you can incorporate into your new uploads. It basically goes like this, "Stay scary and interesting folks!" It can be like a little catchphrase or motto or y'know something silly like that. just a suggestion though you don't have to do it if you don't want to :3
The first three remind me of the racism of black South Africans and makes me suspicious of them. Black people are very racist there.
Another great video ❤
Spontaneous teleportation, thats a new one for me
sometimes I find stories like the second realy hard to believe. It has me scratching my head though
Nap finna go hard as fuck
Teteke noclipped, next
Sun-dee-leh is how you pronounce sandile correctly 👌
How do you even get sandal 😭😭
It's many different unsolved mysteries out here though that's for sure and still to this day is no answer for many of them…..
NEVER EVER doubt the love of a mother for her child. She was right there with him until someone helped her baby. Mothers love transfers through everything for her babies
Homies name was Christman
LOL Albany NY police car @10:10. Thats the station on the Bottom of Morton Ave. LMFAO small world, i live 5 minutes away 😂
1st story was done wayyyy better by Mrballen, the rest I'm sure others took a shot at it, stop telling stories told by others and if you do well you might wanna step it up
The Christine and Nick story is very well known and I have read books and watched podcasts about this case.. Don't remember how Nick took his clothes and how he unbuckled himself. And whether Deborah had seen Nick instead Nick and not Christine up on the roadside. Regardless of circumstances, it was providential Nick was rescued when he was.
Extremely good. Live long and prosper.😇🖖
Having spent quite some time as a patient in hospitals, it can take a while for nurses to get back to you with something, even if that something is close by or usually doesn’t take long.
Not a slight against nurses, I’m sure this is due to an overwhelming work load or a more urgent matter most of the time.
south african men seem to have been killed for the organs i think
Sorry have to unfollow and unsub, don't want to support any channels that use ai, when it's really not needed.
Loved the channel sad to say bye
Nikki N. and her hidden drug problem up there in Canada.
Huh. Okay. We didn't get stuck in a cave in this video. Phew.
I’m a rational person.. but I really do think the mother’s ghost was on the road trying to signal people to save her son..
Wow, great stories, especially the second one! I believe it was the mother's ghost, trying to get attention for Nick. I'd love to know something about Nick when he was older. Did he remember any of this?
The second story has a little more backstory I think. The woman and her husband who “saw” the naked woman on the road were on their way home as Deborah had a nightmare that they needed to go home NOW. So they ended up passing the crash site
In the first story, I'm curious about the autopsy results on Teteteke. First they determined he did not die of natural causes. Ok, then what did he specifically die from? Asphyxiation? Head trauma? Stabbing wound? And why did the police later change the results to natural causes? I'm inclined to believe this was some kind of hospital corruption and cover up than the serial killer theory.
Cops missing a toddler's shoe in the darkness of the night does not rule out the shoe being thrown from the car while rolling down the hill
Nick is 33 today.
So very happy that the little boy Nick in the last story was found alive. Well done to that diligent police officer!!!
Insane brother that last story is just insane it truly makes me think who knows whats out there