The Israeli invasion of Southern Lebanon has already met strong resistance with eight Israeli soldiers killed as Hezbollah fighters used their network of tunnels and rocket launchers to fight back. (Subscribe: https://bit.ly/C4_News_Subscribe)
And while the war here intensifies the whole region is wondering how far Israel will go when it strikes back at Iran and possibly all its allies in Syria, Yemen and Iraq.
Almost a million people here have been ordered to leave their homes as Israeli air strikes continue to hunt Hezbollah leaders.
The skies are anything but calm: the entire region is bracing itself for yet more escalation.
Warning: Some distressing images
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The problem is the terrorist group in Lebanon is more powerful than their army itself, so pity to those civilians specially innocent kids as the victims of this crazy war!
America, the UK the ICG all gave that message to Israel to not attack around Lebanon or regional partners because they didn’t do not want regional war that Israel cannot handle on its own. They do not want to be dragged into Israel’s warmongering.
Israel claims Lars amounts of WND in Lebanon the same rhetoric George W. Bush used to invade Iraq and there was no WND. This is nothing more than a cry rally to start a war to say it self-defense OK may dozen shoulder rockets but nothing compared to the ID they think they David, but they’re really goliath, they rely on sympathy of the world to back Israel. The world is running out of empathy and sympathy with all the lies rhetoric and warmongering over the past years decades.
its pronounced hez bin allah
ג'יהד…חמס …חיזבללה… חוטים קופים מתימן…חייטולות9:38…טול קארם……אלוהים של עם יהודי יקח את נישמתכם….אמן ואמן…פשוט עמים מיותרים דור ההמשך של שטן….. נימאסתה….חיים הם מתנה וקצרים וגם לא קלים…למה לא ליחייות אותם בשקט…ולהנות מתקופה קצרה שאלוהים הגדול האניק לאנושות…. תגידו…למה נישמתכם מלא ברוע כל כך קשה…יש לכולכם הכל …לא חסר לכם כלום…אין ספור מדינות…אין ספור אדמות…לא ניתן לשבת בשקט ולהנות מחיים הקצרים בשקט??!!…לא מספיק מחלות??!!..אבל…אתם מחלה הכי קשה של יקום😢😢
70% of the people of the west support a ceasefire & have done since October 7th!
This war Israel started was unncessary .
Why Hesbola Hauti and Hamas didn't have a Base far from civilian area they always near civilian inshort they always use civilian as cover..
Channel 4 narrative – Can you just report the news and try not to promote your far-left view with your obviously biased/leading questions – Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran are causing these conflicts – they are the aggressors and any casualties need to be attributed to them, not the people/countries trying to defend themselves and remove the terror groups.
where are they going,because I see all the airport in Israel is being over loaded with passenger,I used to hear that it's a promise land let them wait like the Palestinians who are the original settlers
Censorship censorship censorship censorship censorship censorship censorship censorship
iSRAHELL IS escalatong thé War and Iran IS only responding to iSRAHELL evil War crimes .
iSRAHELL Access of evil must' stop. Free humanity from ISREHELL illégale occupation War Crimes
Why did you decided to stay here?
Ummmm well this is my home
Why these people can't live together. Israel has been living on the Food Stamps from the USA.
Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions.
The little boy is in shock.
Nutenyahu wants a Greater Israel.
Israel has failed every time.
41,000 dead Palestinians in Gaza
9:34 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
0:51 go Pikachu!!! 🎉🎉🎉
The British media is grooming racism towards the middle eastern countries
By not reporting the truth to the British people that going to affect the British people in the long run it’s time for the British media to start doing their jobs properly and to lying and covering up for the British government
As they are using tax payer money to kill innocent people that are going to become a global war all through these western and American governments trying to get the middle eastern oil
We are all getting taken into war on a lie once again just like George bush and Toni Blair lie
Now it’s
Joe Biden and Keri stammer doing it all over again
Donald trump isn’t going to be any better possibly worse
The middle eastern countries really don’t have any choice but to go to war to protect their countries as Israelis is going to go round them all to get control of the middle east
u tryna tell me the team on defence has more loss than the one on attack.propaganda at its finest
there are also zionists aroundvthe world, everywhere..
Nyeta nyahu bangsaaattt
Now the world has woken up of the real terrorists over the last 50 years America and israhell all funded wars against Muslims …
When you don't go against women and children with rocks but against grown up men with riffles and military training, you will come vertically and leave horizontally.
以色列自卫反击 彻底消灭恐怖分子
Shames israel, netanyahu so desparate to kill civillian…
Where is the Lebanese army?
According to Israel everyone outside Israel is Gamas or Hesbollah Muslim or Christian, hospital school or Church
🐷🐷 mar gye😂
Mọi người bị làm sao vậy??? Tính mạng con người chớ không phải là động vật đâu, sao lại bắn giết nhau như vậy??? 😢😢😢😢