From hidden cameras to scary encounters, traveling can sometimes be a bit dangerous. These are some of the most unstettling airbnb encounters I could find. Welcome to the impossible channel where James LaFleur analyses the creepiest and most mind blowing videos for your entertainment.
In this compilation :
1:18 – Hidden Camera
4:14 – Haunted Place
9:29 – Shadow person
12:20 – Scary neighbors
14:35 – What are these hidden rooms for ?
17:16 – Secret rooms
21:38 – Scary home owner
Send me strange videos – thatimpossiblechannel@gmail.com
This video is for educational, artistic, and documentary purposes.
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Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/jameslafleurofficial
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Great video, thanks for sharing your material!
I recall when I was in Peru for a shamanic ceremony, a dog that belonged to one of the shamans chased and barked at or ran toward an apparent spirit that none of the rest of us could see. I am convinced this is a real phenomena.
Also, these people KNOW that these Airbnb's are haunted. That's why they are renting them out. That's why those same demons are going to end up following them to their own houses. Don't practice to deceive, because, it will backfire.
I've seen Barbarian. DON'T GO IN THE BASEMENT!
It’s very simple don’t rent Airbnb’s just don’t there is too much that can go on and some weird creeps out there.
Why are the alternate reality Video gone? I was watching and its stoped.. 😟😟🥹
not sure how to show u my video I just seen on my outside camera but its the last video I just uploaded I've never seen anything like this if someone come take a look and let me no what they think that would be great really creepys me out though some kind of orb
These clips are starting to look and feel more fake than ever before.
The video with the pomeranian, the shadow that "reaches" for the dog, is the shadow of the paper lying on the floor. The dog running past causes it to flip up. Pay attention people.
Never once in my life I rented anyone’s home for a stay nor will I ever rent my home to anyone. I don’t share my space nor want to share anyone’s space. The world is weird enough from the distance I view. I much rather not experience it from a close distance.
23:25 wouldve tied him up and checked that dungeon
Mein gut gemeinter Ratschlag, mach das nicht mit der A.I Übersetztung von english auf deutsch. Da geht teilweise der Kontext abhanden. Und es wird durch die schlecht gemachte Übersetzung das ganze schon sehr lächerlich, statt gruselig/spannend. Einiges macht in der Übersetzung 0,0% Sinn😂An einer Stelle, zu Beginn, das mit der Kamera, da sagt Sie : " Ich bin erkältet"😂 Keine böse Absicht meinerseits, einfach nur ein Tipp.
Take that comment away you pos company
@KTBProductions420. Stop trolling these gullible ppl
Your editing and commentary make those videos SO MUCH worse. They would be much more interesting if I didn’t have to skip every minute, because you’re showing the exact same footage with your obvious explanation that no one asked about. And then some Spanish speaking people renting a place in the Appalachian Mountains encounter something “and the police arrives” shows video of Polish police arriving somewhere 😂
Oh and BTW, where is the story featuring the image used in the thumbnail?? tsk tsk shame on you for using bs clickbait tacticts.
Wait, what happened with the girl who found that creepy picture on her phone?!? Did she call the cops or report it to authorities of any kind!? Video seemed a little suspicious…edited a little too good, in my opion.
Richard was just trying to make some money renting his own house that he lives in out and the Pomeranian wasn't being reached for by anything… It was literally the shadow of the corner of the paper on the floor being lifted up when little pom ran by it. For real. The most convincing paranormal evidence out there. Come on.
Yes. I rented a house with room mates for 5 year when I fist moved out from my parents. Everyone swore it was haunted and I experienced things there to.
The last one with the senior possible owner the house it's quite creepy
13:50 fake
12:26 the shadow was caused by the paper on the floor. When the dog ran past it, it picked up the edge of the paper and folded it backwards a little bit. It actually looks like a paper towel. There's another one right next to it, which is folded, and looks very thin. You can see that the shadow has very straight lines with a corner. Now, I don't know what the dog was barking at before that. That was more weird than the shadow.
Look how long the arms are.
Perverts with money filming you. You gotta buy some sweeping tech before staying anywhere these days. There’s practically no police force to stop it.
Deine Stimme ist einfach nur SCHRECKLICH sorry…
ist ja echt ansträngend sich das Gelaber anzuhören… ich musste nach 8 Minuten den Ton ausschalten.
The pomeranian clip, she ran past the paper and it caused wind to pick the corner of thr paper up and fly up a little and go back flat. Idk if yall missed that 😂
The Barbarian extra rooms Americans discovering basements
Hab mich letztens bei Musik machen gefilmt und auch zwei Schatten(Wesen).
Ist bei mir sowas wie normal…🎉🎉🎉
Yeah sure america. Big foot, skinwalkers, chupacabre, beast of bay road??? Check your meds america. Freaks.
The old guy in his "dungeon" maybe just needed the money but had no other place to go to when he got renters. Looks pretty harmless.
10:29 play it frame by frame when the dog runs past the piece of paper on the floor the corner flips up and the shadow what you see is the piece of paper falling back